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Protector of kinship, The Apathetic God, The First Necromancer.

First and only son born of the union of Mivha and Laark. Being the spitting image of his father, many expected great things of their son. Kanar was always beloved by the elven people and his family, and it was a love he always gave back. In Truth, it could easily be said that it was he who kept the increasingly fractured elven pantheon together during the war of Creation. But in the aftermath of the war he was devasted, his father dead, his mother insane and his sisters increasingly distant, the elven peoples relied on him more and more together with the new pantheon. Assuming the role as a god of life the responsibilities of his father before him the burdens of the young god would only grow, as many expected him to take his father's place and lead the pantheon.    

Coming of Lolth

So bereft of love and a longing for the days of old was Kanar that he believed the foul lies of the deceiver and called her mother and sided with her during the great civil war. He broke every celestial law to aid her and the traitors that sided with her, bringing his terrible form upon the world he broke mountains and cities in his wrath only when Calium descended was his rampage put a stop to, and his body mutilated for all to see what happens to those who break the laws.  

Patron of Necromancers

But Dailia would not let her nephew die, using the power of her new realm she twisted his body back to life, thus in the closing days of the war, Kanar twisted his status as a god of life and taught his followers the dark craft of necromancy creating legions of their own fallen brothers and sisters damning their souls to extended torture and wretched existence, but by then he and his followers had replaced all their love for hate, and all their compassion for apathy.  



The Brother

Though he has fallen from grace, the reason why he did has not changed, Kanar loved his family above all else, and he still the god of kinship, and to him, the greatest and only sin one can commit is to become a kin-slayer. He expects his followers to treat the family with respect if nothing else. Though little can stir Kanar in this age, his love for family and blood ties has not lessened.

The Arch Necromancer

Kanar was the first necromancer, after his body was broken he sought other means by which he could sway the war. By twisting his former aspects was he able to weave magic into resurrecting the dead, but by breaking the cycle of life and death did he also disrupted many spirits and making it harder for them to find peace, creating the first of the restless dead, forever ruing the balance of life and death.

The Apathetic God

After the war and the defeat of Lolth's pantheon Kanar grew increasingly distant from the world, having much what of what he sacrificed for wither and die, he had broken every creed for a family that splintered before his eyes as they lost the war. While his love for his family never faltered, he had lost his passion and interest in the world around him, the war between the gods and the suffering in the world, now he sits content on his throne watching the world around him. Some of his followers believe that he waits for something, for at times he is known to surge with action and his wake is terrible.

Divine Domains

Brother/Sisterhood, Family, Magic, apathy and Necromancy.
Divine Classification
Accursed Celestial


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