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Sects of the Buried god

The Cult of the buried god is dedicated to the worship of Teskhari, but also the veneration of the dead in equal measure. With each region having their own localised churches that take care of many graveyards, ensuring to honour the venerable ancestors of the different regions, and maintaining close ties with the townships they are located by.


Like many things which originated from the central states, the church is a highly structured hierarchy. This is reflected in their dress, as the members dress in humble grey robes, with each rank having an alteration to their robes. With newcomers having Completely grey robes, and with each added rank a blue stripe is added to the robe on each side. Usually, members of the church will simply refer to each other by skipping the Grave, for example, one would simply call the Grave Keeper, keeper. Grave Speaker, Speakers. Grave Seer/Warden Templar. Grave Keeper/Grave Wardens. Grave Tender. The Church has a long history of conflict with Western Necromancers, and as such priests and clergy are expected to be able to fight, and some even forsake advancement in the church to further dedicate their lives to protect the church's holy domains. At the top of the Church is the Grave Speaker: who serves as a direct link between the living and the dead, god and earth. The Grave speaker's duty is to oversee the church and keep his flock together.   The Grave Speaker has absolute dominion over the church, answering only to god and the kings of the league. Once they have served long enough Grave Keepers are expected to lead their local Grave Yard, and if their devotion is deep enough to grant them powers from Teshkari they may become Grave Seers, named for their ability to see the dead. They serve as heads of Graveyards and as links between the living and dead. Some Grave seers are named as the Speaker’s Seers, who oversee the church in a region on behalf of the Grave Speaker. The grave seer, may take up the oath of the warden and become a warden templar, expect to lead his brothers into battle as leaders and oversee the protection of reliquary sites.   Once they have Finished their Training, they become Grave Keepers, official members of the church. They are bound to the Grave Yards they keep safe and maintain, and are not expected to leave their post safe for anything of vital importance. But they now hold sway on their local Grave Yard, and often organize local festivities and serve as the link between the church and the common folk. Grave Keepers may take the Warden oath, and become full-time members of the armed force of the church, many of them wander the lands in search of the enemies of God. New Comers become Grave Tenders, they tend to the Graveyard while they are being taught by their betters.

In service to death does life find meaning

Alternative Names
Church of the Gravemen, name commonenly used by member states of the league of Korval. Derived by the name of the priest.
Members of the Church are referred to as Gravemen.
Parent Organization


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