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The collector of wayward souls and protector of the Honorable Resting. Teshkari

Son of Arvilus and Harkon as their sole child, he grew up in a fractured household, for his Mother is not a loving creature, while his father while loving of his offspring, was the executioner long before he was a father. Many say he grew close with Htar during his stay in their home, and subsequently with her parents Laark and Mivna.     Teshkari a god of death, he is the collector of the souls and the guide who leads them to their rightful destination. It is Teshkari people pray to, when loved ones are dead, and need safe travel to other side and to protect their loved family members from vile necromancy, and leave offerings in the hope that he will pity them, and not visit their house in harsh winters. He hates necromancers and has made them his mortal enemies for defiling the natural order and for the misery they bring both the dead and the living. Statues of Teshkari are said to stop the flow of necromantic magic and therefore often found in cemeteries.  



Protector & Warden

Teshkari is the protector of the peaceful dead, this aspect of him keeps watch over the bodies that have been submitted to their final resting and it is he must ensure that non would rob them of that final rest or that they attempt to come back from the destiny they were given.

Guide & Companion

Teskhari is the guide of the dead, leading their souls to whatever realm has laid claim upon them, he has little interest in where they go, be it heaven or hell the soul must reach its destination no matter what. Teshkari is known to take interest in families of great and grand souls who he has had the pleasure of guiding, accompanying, and aiding in small ways so long as they pay reference to that ancestor.

Vengeful Hunter

Teshkari is a vengeful god, all those who would dishonor the dead or worse; interfere with the natural order and break his sacred degree, therefore, invoke his terrible anger; Such individuals are hunted relentlessly by Teshkari and his followers, and they shall be so until they too join the dead or have made reparation for their deeds.  


The Worship of Teshkari is one of service to him, to the dead and their local communities, for to serve Teshkari is to walk in the most sacred grounds of the cemeteries, to ensure the dead are given a proper burial, to help the locals honor their ancestors and to appease the dead.

To honor your god

To honor Teshkari pray before his altar, burn incense in his name, and aid him in his work.

Divine Domains

Death, Protection, Honor, Retribution

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Sacred Things: Tombstones, Lanterns and Caskets are considered Sacred by his follows, The Third Day of the week is considered a holy day, where one should rest and contemplate on whether their actions have honored their ancestors or if they have shamed them. The Number 7 is considered unholy due to its connection with the demonic realm of the dead.

Tenets of Faith

Thou shalt Respect thine Ancestors. Thou shalt bury the dead. Thou shalt defend thine Ancestors rest and honor.   Thou shalt not exert thy will upon the dead. Thou shalt let them rest. Thou Shalt Seek the defilers and punish them. Thou shalt not defile the dead.


Tritten Tag: The Third Day of the week is considered a holy day, where one should rest and contemplate on whether their actions have honored their ancestors or if they have shamed them. And True believers are expected to spend some time to rest on this day.   Remembrance Tag: Once a month in the third week, on the third day of the week, the local Graveyards/Churches to Teshkari hosts the ceremony of Remembrance, where the locals are invited to come and celebrate the deeds of their ancestors, these celebrations varies wildly from place to place, as the entertainment is often related to the churches occupants. The celebration is a raucous ordeal with alcoholic brews and food for its participants, it is happy celebration, meant to bring the honored dead closer to their ancestors.   Shimmer Tag: Hosted on the last day of winter, when the realm of the dead is closest, here old spirits are venerated that they do not grow restless and agitated, especially focused on those who are unburied.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

To ensure that the dead get the rest they deserve, to ensure that all souls reach their intended goal. That those who would interefere in that goal are punished.



Former Lover

Towards Dailia




Former Lover

Towards Teshkari



Divine Classification
Dailia (Former Lover)


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