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The Ostfjorn Creed

The Creed in the Ostfjorn though preaching the same scripture is slightly different from its counterpart in the hearthlands as is often the case. The early adoption of Raziel's worship was based upon the old faith and the 4 aspects which man carries, and by extension the aspects a king must carry. Placing emphasis on the Aspect of the Warlord, The Fathers & the Sovereign. With the focus being that a king must be as endurant as the mountain, he must be the cliff in the roaring sea, he must plan for the future and take what he requires for it, and give of the spoils his plans produce, he must be proud he must be a leader of a proud people a people he must make proud.   The creed in the north is by no means young anymore and has conformed much to it's southern roots over time, but it still bears these marks greatly in it's teachings and iconography, often displaying Raziel with only 4 faces. It is also noticbly poorer than in the south, few nobles give much to the church, it is instead expected here that a church gives to the people and when the church needs the people provide for it. An often stark contrast to new initiates from the south, that has somewhat soured it's reputation in region, especially under the current Soverign's leadership, the church's influence has somewhat waned to only the cities of Stolgard, Tingsted & Godsby.
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