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Ostfjorn Arvilian Tower

The Tower of Arvilus dominates the southern peaks, imposing and wicked the tower inspires fear in all who know for those without sin ever leave it, and those with sin are purged of their wrongdoings here, by pain and blood are they made pure again. Grey and jagged, the tower has ceaselsess pullies and levies for cages hanged on it, prisoners made to suffer in the cold, or an example of their final fate should they not repent. To many Norskjaeg the tower is a cruel mockery of justice, and one of the few points in which there is fierce disagreement with the league, justice is to give back what you have taken and if you cannot then there is talk of blood, but to them, the Tower is just cruel and needlessly so.   Only those whose authority to judge exceeds the Region are sent here, or its worst criminals and insurrectionist and in rare cases those Arvilus send his people to punish. The tower here is particularly famous for it's leader Hjoris, many claiming that he is blessed or chosen by Arvilus, and thus many prisoners and grand offenders are send here to receive his punishment.
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