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Frias Region - Kongdom of Frian

The Frias Region is ruled by Frian Lineage since the days of High King Korvand, and his armies paved the way through the Frian lowlands and liberated the Friani people from the yoke of clan Almar. Frians firstborn son married the first daughter of Korvand shortly after the unification of the heartlands thus cementing his lineage.     The region is famous for its waste mountains and deep rivers, that run through the land, from the base of the great mountains into the Korvand sea. The Frais region produces food in vast quantities and timber for every hungry league, both vital necessities for the efforts of the league and the region itself, as well as the burgeoning coal industry. That sees ever-increasing usage in Korvali military and civilian infrastructure, though it is not a well-received industry for the more traditional folk of Frais. Mainly populated in the Lowlands by the ancient Friani folk are said to have descended from migrants from the frigid Norland, as many of their old customs share great similarity with current customs found there. Especially that of the worship of the primal spirits. Though such practices have long faded, the Friani are model citizens of Korval, having long adopted the more accepted pantheon of the Korvand Sacrament.     The Frais region is amongst the oldest states in the Korval League, but even its long years has done little to ease ancient tensions, that rest between the old peoples of the region. Old tensions still linger between the Varlakyr and the lowlands Friani, with the Varlakyr seeing the modern developments as a threat to their way of life, and perhaps not without good reason, as their northern cousins seem to have completely abandoned their old ways and even language. To the north long shadows are cast, as the league weakens daily, and more conscripts called upon each harvest, the north descends further into darkness, ancient beast prowl freely in the night and lawless brigands seek to survive on others hardship, and worse still whispers spread that towns to the north, give their worship to awful things within the deep woods.     When it comes to politics surrounding the different groups in the land, the Lords of Frias has had a long and bitter feud with the highlanders, who they’ve long sought to make more compliant, as they flaunt most laws in the league, and rarely pay their full taxes or on time. Especially after the death of the recent Carnlord, and his subsequent replacement, whom they seem to disdain as if that would have him replaced. But when it comes to Draklanders(Suthral), the policy has always been clear, “ask a Draklander to comply, and he’ll stay in his mountains for a year, leave him alone, and he’ll come when you need him.” This image is often attributed to the fact that even King Korvand, didn’t attempt to make them part of the League by force, instead, he married the high priest’s daughter to cement an alliance between them. Old laws strictly forbid the peasantry from leaving the land of their Carnlords, by the punishment of death, though in reality it is usually punished by a day in the stocks unless it’s a repeat offense. The same can often be said for social mobility in the lands, there are few if any ways outside of the military that anyone has any hopes of ever leaving the lands they were born on.


In Frias governance is handled by local councils within the townships, these councils are made up of chosen carnlords selected by the king of Frian, and the rest are representatives of locals elected from each recognized township, who are chosen by the local Carnlords, usually based on the amount of taxes generated. These Carnlords are in turn sworn to the King of Frais, to whom they report and pay taxes.

Integrity and Honour; this is our blood.

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