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Overall Timeline

Super Soldier Era

1938 1946

The only superhumans during this time period were the result of military experiements

  • 1939 SS

    1 /9
    1945 SS

    15 /8

    Second World War
    Military action

    The Second World War saw the first emergence of superhumans. The Nazi super soldiers were by far the most advanced, and lent them a huge strategic advantage. Specifically, these soldiers' ability to run at speeds approaching 50 mph for long periods of time without stopping allowed the Germans to blitzkrieg through France.

  • 1942 SS

    First Use of Superhuman in Civil Sphere
    Civil action

    As super soldiers controlled the battlefields, small experiments began to be undertaken with introducing superhumans outside of the sphere of war.

  • 1942 SS

    1946 SS

    Setting Sun Project
    Scientific achievement

    Minuteman was the product of this research and development project that produced the first SS-class hero.

Minor Born Superhumans

1946 1975

Superhumans born during this timeframe barely approach Beta class, by and large.

  • 1947 B

    Creation of the CIA

  • 1947 B

    1991 B

    Cold War
    Military action

    The Cold War was a period of geopolitical tension between the Soviet Union and the United States and their respective allies, the Eastern Block and the Western Block, after World War II. Historians do no fully agree on the dates.

  • 1951 B

    16 /5

    First Born Superhuman
    Life, Birth

    This is the earliest known birth of a human possessing superhuman powers.

  • 1952 B

    Queen Elizabeth Coronated
    Political event

  • 1953 B

    Death of Stalin
    Life, Death

  • 1954 B

    Brown v. Board of Education
    Political event

  • 1959 B

    First documented AIDS cases/Beginning of Vietnam War

    Many people believed that AIDs was related to superhumans.

  • 1961 B

    3 /12

    Disaster / Destruction

    The SL-1 was a United States Army experimental super soldier in the United States who lost control of his powers and killed three military scientists. The powers of SL-1 would likely have caused far greater destruction if the incident hadn't occurred in a remote high desert in eastern Idaho.

  • 1962 B

    27 /10

    Near Miss Off Coast of Cuba

    Minuteman and First Lightning nearly came to blows off of the shores of Cuba.

  • 1963 B

    Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" Speech
    Cultural event

  • 1968 B

    Assassination of MLK
    Life, Death

  • 1970 B

    5 /3

    Ratification of the NPT
    Diplomatic action

    The NPT was ratified on this date.

Superhero Era

1975 1999

The golden years of superheroes, when their abilities were on par with the super soldiers that had existed for the majority of WWII and superpowered incidents were rarely too destructive.

  • 1979 SH

    28 /3

    Three Mile Island
    Disaster / Destruction

    On a day that lives on in infamy, the families of two born heroes, Bolt and Stellar, were kidnapped by the villainous Scarlet King. Initially intending to hold the families hostage and force the heroes to become his minions, when things spiraled out of control the King murdered every member of the both of the couple's immediate families, seven people in total. The Scarlet King was killed soon thereafter by an enraged Stellar, who was convicted of murder by a justice system still wrestling with how to deal with superhumans. The cleanup of the incident cost about $1 billion, much of this cost was paid by the Defenders team which formed soon after, and impacted public perception of superheroes to this day.

  • 1979 SH

    14 /5

    Founding of the Defenders

    The Defenders, a superhero organization, was founded on this date.

  • 1981 SH

    25 /9

    The Kidnapping of Sophia Harper
    Life, Trauma/ Loss

    Sophia Harper was kidnapped from her family after displaying superhuman abilities at a young age. Harper's Law was passed as a result, as an attempt to protect children and their families from harm.

  • 1982 SH

    Falklands War
    Military action

  • 1982 SH

    Thriller by Michael Jackson
    Artistic creation

  • 1985 SH

    Minuteman joins the Defenders
    Life, Organisation Association

    Minuteman, by this point retired from active duty for a number of years, agreed to join the Defenders as a reserve member in order to ensure that the team always had enough power to overcome any conceivable threat.

  • 1987 SH

    7 /4

    League of Villainy Defeated
    Life, Achievement/ Win

    The Defenders defeated the League of Villainy on this date, calling in reserve member Minuteman along with core members Athena, Artemis, and Barricade in order to defeat the villains.

  • 1989 SH

    Fall of Berlin Wall

    The Berlin Wall falls as First Lightning stands and is unable to stop it.

  • 1991 SH

    Dissolution of the Soviet Union

  • 1991 SH

    14 /2

    Death of Terrance Welch
    Life, Death

    Terrance, the husband of Artemis, was killed during a crime spree by the villainess Mrs. Mind. The villain, while unable to read Artemis' mind, happened to hear the worried thoughts of Terrance as he watched his beloved fight. When Artemis defeated Mrs. Mind, the villain took what revenge she could, by controlling a bystander to stab Terrance in the neck with a discarded arrow from the heroine's quiver. While Three Mile Island and The Kidnapping of Sophia Harper had left impacts on the psyche of the American people, Terrance's death was the first such event to be televised. As the nation watched a beloved heroine cradle her lover's dead body in her arms, many young superhumans pledged never to tell their loved ones about their abilities or their superhuman personas.

  • 1992 SH

    3 /1

    Emergence of First Born S-Rank Superhuman
    Life, Publicity

    January 3rd, 1992 was the date on which the superhero Lionheart decided to make his first public appearance when he subdued a gang of Alpha-rank supercriminals who had targeted a bank in New York City. This is the first time that someone who was a self-professed "born superhero" received a designation as an S-class superhuman.

  • 1996 SH

    Dolly the Sheep
    Scientific achievement

  • 1999 SH

    11 /2 08:00

    The First SS-Class Villain Emerges
    Military action

    Elastica burst onto the scene when she conducted a break-in at Fort Knox and easily handled the attacks of Lionheart, among others. Her seeming invulnerability to damage from any source during that attack as well as her ability to fight multiple combatants simultaneously led to her designation at SS-class shortly after her initial appearance. As so many had cheered to see a born S-class superhero emerge, they now worried if the appearance of Elastica signified a power shift in favor of the villains who continued to make bold attempts to undermine society and enhance their own personal power. In the years to come, several other born superhumans would attain SS-class power rankings, including Huntsman, who eventually subdued Elastica and presented her to the authorities to answer for her crimes.

  • 1999 SH

    6 /11

    Death of Minuteman
    Life, Death

    The hero Minuteman, who had been retired for years, died at the age of 82.

New Millennium

2000 2100

The New Millennium saw the power levels of born superhumans eclipse SS-rank and continue to rise.

  • 2001 NM

    11 /9

    Disaster / Destruction

  • 2007 NM

    Technological achievement

  • 2008 NM

    Obama Elected President/Great Recession
    Political event

  • 2008 NM

    2 /5

    MCU Launched
    Artistic creation

    The MCU is launched with the film Barricade, an historical fiction movie following the titular hero (played by Robert Downey Jr.) during his time before forming the Defenders. The film received commercial and critical success, and is both endemic of and part of the cause for the increased focus on the commercialization of superheroes.

  • 2010 NM


    500 Million Facebook Users

  • 2011 NM

    11 /3
    2011 NM

    15 /3

    Fukushima Daiichi Disaster
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Fukushima Daiichi Disaster was a superhuman incident which happened in Ocuma, Fukushima Prefecture, Japan.

  • 2012 NM

    28 /8

    School Starts
    Life, Milestone

    The campaign begins!