Host tower of the Arcane

The Host Tower of the Arcane, sometimes stylized as the Hosttower, was both an academy of magical training for the Arcane Brotherhood and the headquarters for their political and economic power in the city of Luskan.


The Host Tower was located on Cutlass Island at the mouth of the River Mirar in Luskan. It resembled a massive, dead tree with a central spire and four skyward-reaching "limbs" oriented to the cardinal directions. Each of these limbs was covered in lesser spires, towers, and balconies, and contained living quarters, laboratories, summoning chambers, and arcane libraries. The building radiated an aura of magic that many residents found so uncomfortable that they purposely avoided looking at the building.
The building itself is several hundred (500+) feet tall, and is a marvel of construction. It's a tall, if not the tallest building on the Sword Coast.
The top of the central spire was occupied by the leader of the Arcane Brotherhood, the Archmage Arcane. Each of the Brotherhood's four Overwizards occupied the limbs and were given titles and duties based on the cardinal direction of their spire. It was said that every apprentice received their own alchemical laboratory and meditation chamber within the Tower.


This most current construction of the tower was done in 1486, so it's only about 10 years old at this point.
Founding Date
Tower, Mage
Parent Location
Owning Organization
Characters in Location
Related Report (Secondary Locations)

Cover image: by IRPGuardian