

Luskan, also known as the City of Sails, was a port city at the mouth of the River Mirar on the Sword Coast North. Luskan, despite the presence of the Ten Towns, was considered by many to be civilization's farthest reach.
  Although once a bustling city, in the days prior to the Spellplague, the city would suffer greatly at the hands of Arklem Greeth. The resulting disaster would allow the Spellplague to nearly annihilate the city, with it having only a fraction of its former populace.


Luskan doesn't so much have a government, as it has bands of pirates working together . With it's balance of power just teetering between all groups, it's an uneasy peace that could explode if there were any type of significant shift.
The services the High Captain's do provide for the citizens of Luskan may be bare, with many a thief or thug at any corner, but the walls are maintained and a militia does exist for the city.


With the conclusion of the spell plague, Luskan was in a severe state of disrepair and decay. The main bridges only still standing as gangs keep them maintained enough so they can charge travellers to cross them. Most historical shops have closed up, and any type of law enforcement is not present.
However, with the re-invigoration of the Arcane Brotherhood and the reconstruction of the Host tower of the Arcane, the town of Luskan is starting to pick up its feet again. Most ruins have been cleared and some semblance of order has been restored.

Points of interest

Out of the buildings still standing, the most obvious is the Host tower of the Arcane, home of the Arcane Brotherhood. Towering above most of the town's skyline, it sits ominously at the mouth of the Mirar River.
There are also the High Captain's Court, home of the "Government" that resides in Luskan.
The Prisoners' Carnival was the "court" of justice in Luskan was little more than the grounds for public tortue and execution at the market.
Rat Alley was an alley filled with trash and crates where theives could easily hide and prey on unsuspecting individuals.
There also exists numerous taverns, inns, and other small shops hawking stolen Pirate wares.


Since the end of the Spell plague, tourism for Luskan has dried up considerably. With the town having a history of turmoil and lawlessness, most people who go to Luskan are pirates who are part of the 5 High Captains, or poor unfortunate people unable to leave Luskan. Even rarer are Travelers from Neverwinter heading north to the 10 towns.


Alternative Name(s)
City of Sails
Large town
Inhabitant Demonym
Owning Organization
Vehicles Present
Related Reports (Primary)

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