Session 4 Report

General Summary

The ragtag bunch of misfits started the session by having Zephrum Coaltrain play his section of the grove, answer the riddle, and ask the tree how he can best assist the other players. Other than reading his sheet, he should make sure to examine every document and make sure everything works out for HFH in the end.
Then, the group approached the gates of luskan, Zephyrum persuading Rhistel to dance into town, to "disarm" the guards there. After walking a bit, they came accross the gates to the High Captain's Court, and started asking questions to the guards about stuff around the town. Rhistel showing hostility to the drow because elves. Eventually, the learned several locations around town and learned the market was closed. They then all travelled to Baliver's house of horses to drop of the horses and wagon for 2gp for the week. Then they headed to the Seven Sails Inn where they got a room (amonst the 5 of them) for the night.
The next morning, Rhistel and Zephyrum went to the market, sold a magically improved pearl (200gp) and bought bagpipes (30gp). Then they started the search for rat alley. They followed the rats to the alley, where a bandit came up behind them after robbing someone. Rhistel hit them with a ray of frost, but then Gineca the Half-Dragon Rogue sniped him with a crit, blowing his head off, but remaining hidden.
Rhistel and Zephrum then found the houses down rat alley, and eventually found Livi's House. Amazingly they picked the lock and went into the house, but leaving the door open for Gineca to sneak in later.

Triandal Stuff


Maccath STuff

Rewards Granted

Knowledge about the dragon god Asgorath. Livi's fate. seeing Triandal getting punched by a dragon. seeing a tiefling subdue two dragons. Livi's journal. arcane brotherhood calling card thing

Missions/Quests Completed

solved Alys' request contact.
Hero's for Hire Campaign
Report Date
04 Nov 2023
Primary Location
Secondary Location
Related Plots

Cover image: by IRPGuardian