Midsummer Festivities

The town of Deerborne is celebrating the Midsummer Holiday. And everyone has a half day!
Before Noon: Tashazhi arrives in town, and goes to the Thorny Rose to confront Dalarveia. Will spend the remainder of the day following him around, hounding him, until she's interacted with.   Starting at noon:
  • If allowed, (otherwise they take a large reputation hit) HFH staff go out and enjoy the festivities. Myla and Laylee wander around with Renzie to keep her company. Reiner wanders around town to first get food, then wanders. The Chesters (Cateva and Cyril) go to their home and don't come back until tomorrow. Aidron leaves town, and flies towards the The Ruins of Deerborne, returning late at night.
  • Sister Othizia the Adorned and Reverend Father Azaliah ring the bells at the Temple to Ilmater then attend attend a decorated booth outside the temple offering "Curative Services" with a donation box on the table. Sister Renzie is wearing a sandwich board and has a hand-bell and begins wandering around town to announce this.
  • Elowen Thorneheart closes the salty stag, and heads out to the woods to prepare for the "lovers hunt"
  • Julian Abrams heads to the square with his entourage to announce the beggining of festivities (After the bells finish ringing). Afterwards, he returns to the manor until dusk.
  • All other shopkeepers close and start wandering around town. Majorian Chubb has a small stall behind his lab discreetly selling "Philters of Love" for only 100gp. Ara Elaris has a stall with the forge dwarves selling various cheap hand food (5cp for stuff like kabobs, drumsticks, etc).
  • Purple dragon, Dalarveia leaves the The Thorny Rose with a few "escorts" to go eat at Ara's stall.
  • Madame Ophelia temporarily closes the Thorny Rose while the remainder of the staff prepare for the "lovers hunt" that evening. Taking this opportunity to clean Dalarveia's room extensively.
  • Aldous Liadon has a small tent of wares available, mostly modest rings, necklaces, and other jewelry. (mostly for people doing last-minute bethrothals)
Starting at 3:
  • Renzie has finished walking around town and returns to the temple with Myla and Laylee. They then go hang out in Renzie's room until it's dark outside.
  • Othizia and Azaliah continue their services, but Othizia takes a break to go eat. Goes doki-doki over Dalarveia if he's still around, but contains herself. ("He's so... handsome.")
  • Elowen returns to salty stag, rolls a keg over to Ara, where they they start selling beer for 1sp, helps with cooking more complicated (1sp) food.
  • Dalarveia, after finished eating with his escorts, begins to wander around town looking for "open doors"
Starting right before Dusk:
  • A large group of people start to gather at the town square, as Baron Abrams comes to anounce the lover's hunt that evening. Following that, he and Elowen lead the crowd to the edge of the woods, where Madame Ophelia has organized several groups of young men and women from around town who want to be hunted. (None of the Thorny Rose patrons, they have off today). Melisenda Hertzfeld is also there to make sure everyone plays "fair." Father Azalia then has Othizia lead a prayer for another year free from suffering, where the hunt begins.
  • Those not participating hoot and hollar outside the woods as participants run in searching for a lover, cheering everytime a pair comes out.
  • Once all pairs are found, everyone returns to the square where acrobats and dancers have come to celebrate another "successful hunt." Everyone then goes on their separate ways "celebrating" in whatever way they want.
  • Most stalls close about 30 mintutes after this, except for the one run by Azalia and Othizia (who is looking tired)
  • Ophelia and Dalarveia returns to the Thorny Rose with his escorts and anyone else he's picked up, to cater to the less "lucky" individuals
  • Most other people begin having their own large feasts, with open doors being invitations.
After Dark
  • Most partying has gone indoors at this point. A few people stagger from door to door looking for a bite to eat or a drink, but become increasingly drunk during the night.
  • Many others return to their homes and bar their doors and close their curtains.
  • Renzie, with Azalia, wander around town finding passed out individuals and help sober them up before departing to the next one. Othizia starts packing up stall and goes to bed.
  • Aidron returns back to the tavern late at night, and if the door is locked, he sleeps on the roof.
After midnight
  • Guards start night patrol, and move drunks towards the town square where father Azalia and Renzie have set up a triage.
  The next day, people who are still suffering from hangovers or other "problems" head to an early session at the Temple of Ilmater led by Othizia about how self-inflicted suffering makes one righteous, and calls for those who have inflicted suffering to repent for not seeking moderation for their excess yesterday. At the end, the prepared magic circle grants everyone in attendance a lesser restoration.

Cover image: by IRPGuardian