The Ruins of Deerborne

Outside the town of Deerborne, out in the Neverwinter Woods lies the ruins of some great stone building. Having been weathered with age for quite some time now, all that really remains of it is a few stone walls with large amounts of overgrowth around it. Anything of value has long since been plundered by the opportunistic bandits. Surprisingly, it appears as though there have been some sections that have been cleared out showing intricate tile work on the floor.

Purpose / Function


Serve as a location to show the players there exists an acient religion, and that history still plays a part in the present day setting.


Was the location of a temple to Asgorath. After the falling of most Draconic religions, it was abandoned several thousand years ago and has been crumbling since. Now it serves as the lair for Rirlox, as he feels (privately) giddy about the crumbling status of it.


Large stonework tiles are the basis for the walls and floor of the building. Its wooden roof has long since rotted and decayed leaving most of the top exposed. Other than Rirlox's additions to it, it has been untouched for thousands of years in its current state.
by Copilot
Founding Date
Alternative Names
The Ruined Temple of Asgorath
Parent Location
Characters in Location
Related Report (Secondary Locations)

Cover image: by IRPGuardian
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