Sister Othizia the Adorned
A cleric working for the Deerborne Temple to Ilmater, Sister Othizia is always ready to lend a hand to those in need. She is also ready to strike at those who cause suffering around themselves, and while not the best at it, is certainly the most spirited. Likes helping Sister Renzie when she forgets something, or needs to get something off a tall shelf.A follower of the order Companions of the Noble Heart
Othizia and Renzie, while coworkers for the temple, they are also roommates when "off the clock." With the short time they have already shared together, they have become accustomed to one-another as if sisters.
Shared Secrets
They both think Reverend Father Azaliah is a bit goofy when it comes to his sermons. They both wish Deerborn was a little more exciting, as there isn't much for them to do when they're not working.
Father Azalia has taken great care of Othizia during her tenure at Deerborne, and will continue to do so during her "residency" at Deerborne. He pays for her equipment and any specialty goods she may need for her duties as a cleric. While appreciative, Othizia still longs to see her family again.