Temple to Ilmater


The local temple to Ilmater at Deerborne. It's formal title being, "The Temple to Ilmater and the Golden Rose, at Deerborne", is a modest, but still well furnished church dedicated to the worship of Ilmater. Seated at the main intersection in Deerborne, it gathers lots of foot traffic from travelers wanting to take a short rest, or seeking religious guidance. A good portion of the local population comes here to worship, but only a few are what would be called "devout."  

Current Staff

  • Reverend Father Azaliah of the House
  • Sister Othizia the Adorned
  • Sister Renzie, novice acolyte


Since it's initial construction, the temple has had a small fountain erected in the front by the intersection to help draw in more travelers to make it more inviting. There has also been the addition of a separate clergy house for the current Father constructed near the rear of the property, and another small clergy house which is shared by Othizia  and Renzie  when they are not doing their duties.


With stone construction, the temple will be able to withstand the test of time. It's archs are well maintained by Azaliah and the grounds are kept neat and trimmed thanks to the tireless efforts of Sister Rinze working during the night. An iron fence runs around the grounds, but there is a large open gate at the front. However, there are sub-fences for each of the residences to allow for them to have a small amount of privacy.


Most tourists are people traveling to or from Waterdeep, though the occational ship comes to town to allow crews a quiet place for them to relax while on shore leave.
Alternative Names
Temple of the Golden Rose
Temple / Church
Parent Location
Owning Organization

Cover image: by IRPGuardian