Quest: Rescue Othizia and Renzie

Reverend Father Azaliah has hired you to find and return Sisters Othizia and Renzie to the Temple to Ilmater.
After not seeing them after the expected return date, Father Azaliah is worried that Othizia and Renzie had some difficulty when traveling into the woods to maintain a small shrine that was placed there many years ago. While they went out there supplied for about a week, they should have arrived after 4.
Make sure they return alive!

Rewards and Consequences

  • Father Azaliah is prepared to pay 1000 GP (in the form of 2 diamonds) for the safe return of both of his Sisters.
  • If either Sister had been killed, the reward is lessened by 500GP. He will perform a "Raise Dead" on any one that is deceased
  • If both sisters had been killed, there is no reward and he will Raise Dead them both, and will permanently have a negative opinion of HFH

Plot points/Scenes

1) Father Azaliah comes to the Creaking Meadery on the suggestion of Baron Abrams about "some new heroes" to see if they can find his temple staff.
2) Party gathers some info (where, when, etc) from Father Azaliah before heading out to the woods. With a DC 20 persuasion check, they can get him to come along.
3) Possible Random encounter on the way there
4) Upon reaching the location of the shrine, party sees small camp that has 2 bedrolls + unlit campfire, etc, but no sign of Sisters. Party gets jumped by goblins if perception roll lower than 15 when investigating.
5) After defeating or routing bandits, party follows obvious tracks to goblin camp, where Renzie and Othizia are tied up, with Goblin boss. Wants ransom, or if goblins were captured, an exchange. Othizia if untied can grab her glaive and assist. Renzie if untied will race to untie Othizia, and then hide behind her.
6) After rescuing sisters, they return to shrine where they can perform some light healing, then return back to Deerborne.



Upon returning to Deerborne, Othizia and Renzie quickly return to the temple (if Azaliah didn't come). They breifly describe what happened to them, and how the HFH acted.
Completion Date
13 Flamerule 1496 (24 June 2023)
Plot type
Related Locations
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Cover image: by IRPGuardian