The Commoner's Alchemical Academy


On a bustling cobblestone street, "The Commoner's Alchemical Academy" stands as an unassuming but captivating shop. The inviting aroma of herbs, botanicals, and curious concoctions wafts from its slightly ajar door. Upon entering, you're greeted by a treasure trove of alchemical wonders.
  Shelves lined with glass vials, exotic plants in ornate pots, and the soft glow of gently simmering potions create an enchanting ambiance. A sprawling oak counter, polished to a rich sheen, takes center stage, showcasing a tantalizing array of elixirs, tinctures, and philters, each labeled with meticulous handwriting.
  At the heart of the shop stands Majorian Chubb, a rosy-cheeked and lively halfling whose eyes sparkle with boundless curiosity. With deft hands, Majorian conducts experiments amidst bubbling cauldrons, inviting customers to marvel at the alchemical wonders unfolding before their eyes.
  "The Commoner's Alchemical Academy" is a haven for those who seek both the extraordinary and the everyday. Whether you're in need of a remedy for an ailing pet or an enchanted potion to brighten your darkest day, Majorian Chubb's shop offers a warm embrace and a promise of magical discoveries for commoners and adventurers alike.


Potions of healing, greater healing.
minor poisons, some other stuff.
Founding Date
Parent Location
Characters in Location

Cover image: by IRPGuardian