Gang Buster (ガンガ ブ ツ アウ Ga-ng Bus-ta)

Gang Buster is a non-profit organization (GBR) established by Todo Kimota, Satow Ryotaka, and Yamada Nagaoki with the primary objective of eliminating "gray zones" and addressing gang-related activities across Japan. The organization's name, Gang Buster, reflects its mission to eradicate illegal behavior and "Bust Them Down."    In practical terms, Gang Buster operates as a right-wing puritanical and xenophobic entity, focusing its efforts on combating illegal activities associated with prostitutes, foreigners, criminal gangs, and the modern Yakuza. Notably, the organization has garnered attention for its stance on targeting these specific groups. Intriguingly, while Gang Buster takes a firm stance against certain criminal elements, it has been criticized for overlooking the criminal activities of the Keihin Gang.    This has created a vacuum that the organization aims to fill, with Keihin Gang leaders secretly participating in Gang Buster, contributing both muscle and intimidation tactics to maintain control and silence dissent within or from the organization.


The Gang Buster organization operates with a unique and decentralized structure, comprised of individuals who align with either right or left-wing ideologies and function quasi-independently as self-styled vigilantes in the fight against crime, gangs, and the Yakuza. The organization's structure lacks clear leadership, with various groups of civilians organized under three distinct factions. Todo Kimota oversees the "Joks," a group focusing on a particular set of individuals.    Satow leads a faction targeting those with anti-foreign sentiments. Meanwhile, the enigmatic "secret" leader, Yamada Nagaoki, plays a pivotal role as a former and undisclosed fifth head of the Keihin gang. Yamada influences the organization with the values and tactics of the Keihin gang, seeking to eliminate rival factions and make way for Keihin's dominance. The lack of set leaders adds an element of chaos, with groups following specific individuals rather than a centralized command.    Yamada, when questioned, denies any association with the Keihin gang, having reportedly fought off their advances, leaving the alleged connections as unverified rumors. The messy and mysterious structure of Gang Buster raises questions about its true motives and alliances.

Bust Em Down !


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