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Kevkst (kev-kest)

Kevkest is a recently founded city that acts as a glorified trading post to connect the surrounding cities. The city itself is pentagonal having many gates to facilitate the large amount of traffic through it's gates.


Each district in Kevkst is ruled interdependently by a minor noble family. These families each contribute to city wide infrastructure and services, but taxes and guilds operate entirely within a single district.


Sewers and basic plumbing are available to the citizens of the town. Roads and walls separate the districts, and the tops of the walls are adorned with windmills to operate Grain Mills.


District 1 is the district that takes traffic from Spaiel. The brick imported from Spaiel as well as the access to The Windfall makes District 1 a hot spot for architects, construction workers, blacksmiths, and hospitals. Large and complex buildings line the streets as a showcase of architectural skill, which are separated by wide roads to allow the large caravans carrying both material and injured to navigate without issue.   District 2 is the district that takes traffic from Cambleton Keep. As it sees the most people from the Kingdom of Leein, it has an ambassador for them and is focused on keeping open spaces to facilitate trade. Both Lorelindian and Leein merchants fill this space causing a cluttered and fast environment.   District 3 is the district that takes traffic from Uringear.   District 4 is the district that takes traffic from Bol Daatan. This district contains many of the official city-wide government buildings and is the home base for the guilds large enough to operate across multiple districts. Additionally this district is known for its lumber distribution centre, which is imported from Bol Daatan and shipped to the rest of Lorelind.   District 5 is the district that takes traffic from Spearhold. This district has heavily restricted access, the main road that passes through is publicly accessible and there are a handful of restaurants and inns along the way, but the rest of District 5 is further hidden behind walls as it acts as a forward camp and training base for Spearhold.
Founding Date
Large town

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