Red Fields

The Red Fields are a series of three plateaus in the north of Hadean, each resting on top of the other.   Known by the Blue Catar and the Northern Catar tribes as the Red Fields of Fallen Catar, the Red Fields have witnessed the violent deaths of tens of millions over the long course of history.   Historical events that have occurred here include:  
  • The arrival location for the Alin more than 6,000 years ago
  • Last stand of the Dolg Catar as they faced the rage of the twin armies of the Carkade and Alin, as the Dolg Catar closed the final gate to the Alin homeworlds
  • The Battle of Asuldan between a Barbranid led army against Helegu invaders
  • The Wraith Assembly that saw the emergence of Sim Arclight, the first Witch of the Age of Undefining
  Some notable locations on the Red Fields have included:  
  • The Alin Slave Pens
  • The Lacuna of Tempus Viridi
  • Eye of Architeuthis
  • Portal accessing a bridge to the Alin Homeworlds
    Now under the permanent pall of dark and violent magic, the Red Fieldsa are home to:
  • Wandering curses of epic proportions
  • The Great Undead leading herds of their lesser minions
  • Wild Magic randomly descending upon travellers and the landscape
  • Magicians of the Wrath Accord
  • Supernatural beings
  • Green Dragons

One of the numerous chasms in the Red Fields

A Wraith Accord warlock
Location under


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