Theist Rows

The "Rows" are collections of deific doctrine across multiple worshippers under a common banner.
  Different Rows have different creeds, dogmas and doctrine and where there is overlap, there are frequently violent clashes, mundane and sublime.
  The Major Rows have contact with each other, and have built up areas of control that are officially recognised by the other Rows, although in truth, diplomatic relations between the Rows can change as quick as lightning strikes the unwary.

Consummate Row

The Consummate Row controls much of the hominid space from Ceti all the way to the Radiant Coast.
Led by the Consummate Metropolitan, the Consummate Row emerged after the fall of the Sarpadian Empire and swiftly gained control of the religious affairs of the hominids in its sphere of control.
The Consummate Row is deeply entwined in the affairs of the hominid kingdoms, often acting as king makers and executing their own secret agenda.
The Eventide Family has been a prominent feature of the Consummate Row.


Enlightened Row

A Row on the tropical western coast of Hadean, the Enlightened Row was a decaying and fractured collective, now brought entirely to heel by Yadari, leader of the Kali Tyranny.
A Row more esoteric than most others, many of the Enlightened Row were killed or forced underground during the Yadari takeover.
While all the gods continue to be represented in the Enlightened Row, prestige is now carried by those who endorse Yadari and the Kali Tyranny.



First Light Row

An atavistic holy order, with links to the The Revelation, the First Light Row has taken control of the major traditional trade routes, including southern arm of the Royal Python River. Calling itself the True Light Row, this order is rapidly growing as a local power and arming itself in preparation for war with Acron, High Kingdom of, to fully exercise control over is claimed territory and in preparation for the end of days.


Sovereign Row

The priestly collective that attends the Semudan, Ruby Empire of Redin and related lands.
The Sovereign Row, while outwardly appearing to have changed little since the formation of the Empire, has seen its fortunes wax and wane over the centuries. Their greatest influence was under the Blue Star Empire of Azur Semudan.
Currently the major threats facing the Sovereign Row are:


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