Yamnayan Dynasty

After the fall of Sarpadia this area saw the rise of many factions and warlords, with most of the land quickly reverting to wilderness and borderlands. The Yamnayans were a powerful ally of the Sarpadians who rose to prominence south-west of the Saturn Mountains after the collapse and formed a semi-stable realm for 100 years before imploding after a series of disasters saw the survivors disperse.   The Helegu invasions pushed vast numbers of immigrants eastwards, with millions arriving in the region over a period of 20 years. The invasion wars lasted 5 years and saw destruction on a massive scale including the fall of Mathrami, the previous regional capital of the Sarpadia and an estmiated 2,000,000 killed or enslaved. Leaders claiming descendency from the original Yamnayans arose during this time and organised a strong resistance to the invaders, with the Helegu eventually returning to the lands they controlled in the Ceti.   The Yavimayans took the opportunity to remove rivals, claim control over a vast territory and establish the modern day Yavimayan Dynasty.   Much of the the Dynasty remains wilderness/borderland with large populations concentrated around the highly fertile river areas and inland trade cities.

Demography and Population

Humans 3,000,000
Elves 100,000
Dwarves 50,000
Other Hominids 50,000

Yamnayan Knight

The fall of Mathrami

Yamnaya High Seer
Geopolitical, Empire
Predecessor Organization
Government System
Monarchy, Elective
Power Structure
Feudal state
Controlled Territories

Articles under Yamnayan Dynasty


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