Yarus Kingdom

Yarus is a kingdom in the eastern Ceti bordering the Kingdom of Jorentes. Yarus is named after a chondathan tribe who originated from the continent of Faeurn and landed in eastern Hadean more than 1,500 years ago. From there they migrated westwards and finally settled in the Ceti.   Yarus was one of the many small states comprising the Stone Commonwealth before its decimation by the Helegu Khaganate 300 years ago. After a century long struggle, Yarus became fully independent of the Helegu Silver Host in 1430.   Since freeing themselves from the Helegu yolk they have incorporated some smaller settlements that were also formerly of the Stone Commonwealth and now border the much larger Kingdom of Jorentes in the east.

Demography and Population

Human - 600,000
Dwarven - 50,000
Elves - 5,000
Halfling - 5,000
Gnome - 10,000


The range of the Yarus Kingdom is the Yarus homelands from before Helegu invasion and parts of the former Stone Commonwealth that have joined Yarus since the Helegu formally retreated from the Ceti 50 years ago.


5 Permanent warbands of 500 light cavalry patrolling the borderlands
Crown guard of 1,500 soldiers
Each feudal lord responsible for maintaining a standing force of 1 soldier per 200 inhabitants
Levy forces raised during war
By treaty the dwarven and elven communities to send troops in times of imminent threat
Re-fortification of the Yarus territory in the Saturn Mountain foothills is ongoing, with the Ceti being fortifies not with castles, but with endless pitfalls, moats, ditches, trenches and barbed fields.

Trade & Transport

Yarus was highly mercantile before the Helegu invasion with small standing armed forces, relying primarily of mercenaries and protection pacts with other nations within the Stone Commonwealth.   As the only member of the Stone Commonwealth intact after the Helegu invasion, Yarus has increased its military presence but with its freedom is once again busily establishing trade relations across all of northern Zapaden, including with its former masters in the Blue Helegu Host.

Freedom, Prosperity, Together

Cormyr Tor
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
Predecessor Organization
Leader Title
Government System
Monarchy, Elective
Power Structure
Feudal state
Legislative Body
The Yarus Hall
Judicial Body
The Yarus Magistrates

Official trade deals exist with Blue Host Helegu


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