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Experimental Scout, Mk. 0.156-TB

This is a suit clearly designed for combat. Yet its hull is sleek and clean, virtually fresh off the production line. From the movement of the suit, its pilot is definitely experienced. Yet the occasional twitches show a machine still in its testing phase.   No one knows how its pilot managed to sneak this experimental machine out of what is probably a top-secret military station. Perhaps a test pilot went rogue. Perhaps a billionaire playboy bought it off as a trophy. Nobody knows.    


Hall Fusion Thrusters

physical, movement, acceleration


One of the most powerful ion drives in design. Utilizing fusion reaction exhaust together with Hall-effect, it is able to provide a quick burst of high acceleration.


+2 speed towards a selected direction.

G Force CostHEAT CostTarget

Weapons & Armament

Laser Hacking Mod

digital, attack, hacking


Laser tight beam is commonly used for encrypted direct communication. Now, how good is your encryption?


Smart weapon, able to choose a specific target within range.
Initiates an WPU contest against CPU. Damage the target's HEAT by he amount the user win by.

G Force CostHEAT CostTarget
01Lightspeed, Range 4

Photosensitive Micro-Seizures (Unique)

Unique to
digital, attack, hacking


Modern sensors are designed to filter out seizure-causing stimuli. This experimental laser can overwhelm digital filters and harm the pilot with visual overload.


Smart weapon, able to choose a specific target within range.
Initiates an WPU contest against CPU. Damage the target's HEAT by he amount the user win by. If successful, target +1G

G Force CostHEAT CostTarget
01Lightspeed, Range 5

Ytterbium Fibre Laser

physical, attack, laser


A high-power laser is emitted by a ytterbium-doped optical fibre. The flexibility of the fibre allows for great targeting tracking.


Interceptable, interacts with the first small or large object it collides with.
Laser weapon, all damage caused increases HEAT only and cannot be dodged.
Follows the suit's movements.
Contact with small object instantly destroys it. Contact with large object initiates an ARM contest against TOR damage the target by he amount the user win by.
At the beginning of every turn, this laser can be retargeted in a different direction.

G Force CostHEAT CostTarget
01Lightspeed, Range 2, Duration 2

Armor and defense

RAM Chaff

physical, defence, disruption


Release a cloud of radiation-absorbent material chaff into an adjacent location. Able to disrupt homing of weapons.


Place chaff token on a space within range. When inside the space with the chaff, the unit itself cannot be targeted by weapons that target enemy, however, weapon targeting the space itself can still hit the unit.

G Force CostHEAT CostTarget
01Space, Range 2, Duration 1

Additional & auxiliary systems

Prehensile Replicator

physical, attack, manipulator


An extremely short and delicate manipulator. It allows for near-perfect replication of the pilot’s hand motion.


Smart weapon, able to choose a specific target within range.
Interceptable, unable to interact when another object or terrain blocks its line of sight. Unable to interact with small objects.
Attach the target to the player. The attached target follows the player. Release has no cost.
Contests again objects attached to via this manipulator +1 dice to its rolls.

G Force CostHEAT CostTarget
01Sublight, Range 1

Combat Drugs (Unique)

Unique to Experimental Scout, Mk. 0.156-TB 
digital, defence, enhancement


In the 21st century, armies were given amphetamine and a host of other drugs to help them focus on the battlefield. As technology advanced, the use of combat drugs has only become more common, and more dangerous. It is so effective that to the user, it feels like the drug has slowed down time.


In your next contest this turn, regardless of difficulty, toss a coin instead. If it is head, you win the contest.

G Force CostHEAT CostTarget

Hangars & docked vessels

Recon Drone

physical, misc, drone


A small drone that is capable of only basic functions.


Places a Recon Drone on an adjacent spacee.
The drone can utilize one of the following basic actions per turn:
Destroyed upon any collision with small or large objects .
Only 1 drone can be deployed at a time by the player.

G Force CostHEAT CostTarget
Mk. 0.1 Scout

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