Cormac (Core-mack)


This character was created with the help of Steve H.     "Riverweld, Jewel of lake Matsya. City of cities, home of homes, a floating haven of art and society...sometimes. Cormac had a love, hate relationship with his home city. Food cost money, a bed cost money, everything cost money. So from a young age Cormac learned that he needed to find money. The town guards, run by the Fa clan now, were the same as the Lark Guild before them. Stiff and uninteresting but still managed to make life difficult for people with no money. People like Cormac. That did not mean that Cormac was broke. He found work and community with a group of young people similarly cast aside by the top few layers of Riverweld society. Cormac made his living as a criminal. He knew it didn't make him a bad person, it just meant that the town guards would usually need to be avoided. Besides it was only breaking the law if you got caught"   
  • Excerpt from the Prologue, The Heroes of the Valley, Season 1
  • Physical Description

    Facial Features

    He tends to keep his hair in a ponytail so that it stays out of his face during missions. His mutton chops are grown out down to his chin, but like the rest of his facial hair, it doesn't grow in thick and bushy like a traditional halfling. His permanent 5 o'clock shadow is barely more than stubble that he doesn't bother maintaining because, it wouldn't matter or change much.

    Identifying Characteristics

    He has a Brand on his right shoulder to signify his affiliation that began with The Bilge.

    Apparel & Accessories

    Cormac wears old leathers that were probably black at one point but have been pieced together, handed down, or beaten up enough that they are probably better described as grey or brown now than true black.

    Mental characteristics

    Personal history

    Early Years

    Cormac remembers growing up in Hell's Galley. The smell of the feted water and the consistent dampness were normal. The poverty that surrounded him and the constant hunger were daily realities for him. He was an orphan. As he grew, Cormac realized that the people in Hell's Galley would starve unless they had each other. Therefore he resolved to have people with him. Fortunately in Riverweld he was a Ravenite which meant that he was smaller and more nimble than the humans and dwarves that made up most of the city. It wasn't long before he was able to show his worth to a group of local toughs called 'The Bilge'. The Bilge took care of Cormac, they saw how he was able to not only break into businesses but also create plans for acquiring resources. The Bilge was constantly running afoul of theFa Empire soldiers sent to oppress the people of the Galley. Cormac and The Bilge made it their business to make the Imperial troops as miserable as they made him and his neighbors. The Bilge stole food, weapons, clothing and money at every opportunity they could from the Imperial soldiers.   He didn't remember his parents at all. His earliest memories were of his crew, The Bilge, raising him to steal, sneak, and survive. This was all he really knew until he was put on his first operation to steal something in the nicer part of town. Cormac saw there was more in this world than being a thief and that made him start to question things. Who were his parents, what did they do, why did they "give him up", could he be more than a street thief?  

    Becoming a Hero

    After a particularly spectacular cabbage vendor heist in one of the many city dockyards, Cormac knew that he needed to lay low. Let the heat die down, and maybe get out of town for a little while. The Riverweld Arcanum Tower was always looking to hire people. The The Arcanum was full of wizards and wizards always wanted to leave Riverweld to find stuff, plus they paid. So he contacted Castro a mid level mage who worked there. Cormac liked Castro, he was a rare wizard with a sense of humor. He and Cormac met over a pint and agreed to work together on an upcoming expedition in return for a small fee.   This expedition was the where Cormac helped to found The Heroes of the Valley. Cormac spent the next year adventuring with them and returned to Riverweld to see the city changed.    When the Fa Clan finally left Riverweld in 3520 during the "Troubled Nights" Cormac had already returned with his friends and helped to re-secure the city from the Vampire Rodarian Ling who had been sealed away in the depths of Sterling Shores. Cormac and the Heroes were victorious and had the thanks of a grateful Riverweld. The feeling of being a hero in his home town was strange for Cormac. He was well regarded. People in the fancy mid city districts would actually smile when they saw him instead of cross the canal. He even had the ear of Sage Blackwell, and Aiyanna. Two women who were well placed in the Riverweld Arcanum Tower.  His city was becoming a different place for him. Cormac saw Hell's Galley as his real home, but he had seen so much of the world outside that his mind wandered. Cormac stepped back from his role as a member of the Heroes after he accompanied them on a journey to Ter'A-Til. The outside world was vast, full of conflicts with people and Gods that he didn't understand or care to know about. He wanted to go home, back to the people who needed him.  

    Information is Power

    When he left The Heroes of the Valley it was on good terms. Aiyanna was the new Abbess of the Arcanum Tower in Riverweld and he had money, a lot of money, for the first time in his life. He decided to use his new found fame and connections to accomplish an old goal. He wanted to escape Hell's Galley, and he had been lucky enough to do that. Now he wanted to help the people still living there. Perhaps he could use his new skills and connections to accomplish that? Cormac now spends his time as a thorn in the side of the city's rich and powerful. He no longer deals in stolen items, Cormac deals in secrets, knowledge and hidden things. This status as the city's master of secrets has provided a degree of Infamy to the once beloved halfling, but if that means people leave him alone, Cormac is fine with it.


    Cormac appreciated everything that The Bilge did for him since it kept him alive as a child. However, he has always known that what they do is wrong and there are better ways to accomplish his goals. He kept working for them in order to save up enough to break away from a life of crime to make a real life for himself. Then, one day he answered the call for a job from the Arcanum and was whisked away on a ship called the Surf Kicker in search of a specific artifact for the Arcanum.


    Contacts & Relations

    A vast network of pickpockets and thieves from all classes of society in Riverweld.

    Family Ties

    Cormac has no biological family that he is aware of.

    Religious Views

    Not a fan or organized religion.
    Neutral Good
    Current Status
    Living in Hell's Galley
    Current Location
    Date of Birth
    3479 AF
    Circumstances of Birth
    Abandoned in Hell's Galley
    Current Residence
    Dirty brown hair tied back in a ponytail
    Skin Tone/Pigmentation
    Tan beige
    Aligned Organization
    Known Languages
    Fluent: Emserian Common  , Fa Common, Halfling, Theives' Cant   Conversational: Janga Draco

    Character Portrait image: by Antonia Gil
    This article has no secrets.