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Freehaven Temple of Fortune

Purpose / Function

The Temple of Fortune on Freehaven serves locals who worship the goddess Fortune, freighter crewmen from Gamble who desire to pay their respects to the patron goddess of their own planet, gamblers who want to improve their luck before visiting the nearby casino, and anyone else who wants to pay homage to the goddess of fortune, luck, and fate while passing through Freehaven.


The Temple itself is of Greco-Roman design with a rectangular layout and a portico surrounding the outside of the building. The entrance leads into a single, open room which is dominated by a large statue of the goddess Fortune. Fortune is depicted wearing a combination of ancient Greek and modern clothing. She carries a cornucopia in her left hand while her right hand rests on a ship's rudder and gyroscope. In the middle of the floor, in front of the goddess, rests a large stone wheel engraved in metal with four depictions (I shall reign, I reign, I have reigned, I have no kingdom). To either side of the wheel, on the far left and right sides of the room, are globes depicting the planets Freehaven and Gamble. Behind the statue is a third globe depicting Earth. In front of the wheel, just inside the door, is an altar with burning incense and a donation box. A domed ceiling centered over the statue of Fortune depicts the Freehaven Zodiac. Benches to either side of the altar provide space for worshippers to pray.   The outside of the Temple is surrounded by a sacred grove. A ten-foot wall surrounds the enclosure. A circular fountain stands between the gate to the outside and the entrance to the Temple. The fountain is decorated with four figures representing the ascending, reigning, descending, and fallen figures on the wheel. The trees in the grove are gravemarkers for followers of Fortune buried on the grounds. The grove is park-like with paths and benches along the outer wall. Behind the Temple is an abbey where the priests of Fortune live. Over the gate is inscribed the phrase "Fortune favors the bold."


The Temple attracts a variety of tourists. Some are local devotees to the goddess Fortune. Others are crewmen from the planet Gamble who come to pay their respects to their patron goddess. Other ship crews come to pay their respects prior to embarking on a journey. The Temple is also a popular stop for the crews of surface ships on the planet Freehaven. Tourists also visit to improve their luck before visitng the nearby casino. Universalists of all stripes, even those not specifically devoted to Fortune, visit occasionally to pay their respects.
Fortune favors the bold.
Temple / Religious complex
Parent Location
Owning Organization

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