
Dis, the first layer of the Nine Hells, is an endless grey wasteland ruled by the archdevil Dispater. The landscape is characterized by cracked, barren terrain stretching infinitely in all directions, creating an oppressive and desolate environment. Souls that reside in Dis are trapped in a perpetual state of limbo, where they do not eat, drink, or think, slowly losing their humanity and becoming mindless zombies over time. The climate is harsh and unyielding, with dry, heavy air filled with the scent of sulfur and ash. Dispater governs from his iron fortress, the Iron City of Dis, constantly scheming to maintain his power and control over the realm. Dis is a place of endless despair and torment, reflecting the punishment of those who are not blatantly evil but not good enough to enter heaven.


Dis, the first layer of the Nine Hells, is an endless grey wasteland characterized by cracked, barren terrain. The landscape is desolate and vast, stretching out infinitely in all directions. There are no landmarks or features to break the monotony, creating an environment that feels both oppressive and endless.


The ecosystem of Dis is sparse and harsh, with virtually no flora or fauna. The few living organisms that do exist are twisted and corrupted by the infernal nature of the plane. The land is devoid of water and nourishment, further emphasizing the bleakness of the environment.

Ecosystem Cycles

Dis does not follow typical ecological cycles due to its infernal nature. The environment is shaped by dark magic, creating a perpetual state of limbo. There is no natural growth or decay, and the land remains in a constant state of desolation. Inhabitants experience a slow transformation, becoming less human over time as they succumb to the effects of the layer.

Localized Phenomena

Grey Haze: A perpetual haze hangs over the land, reducing visibility and adding to the oppressive atmosphere.   Whispers of Despair: Faint, haunting whispers can be heard on the wind, causing unease and despair among the inhabitants.   Cracks of Limbo: The ground occasionally splits open, revealing brief glimpses of the icy depths below before closing again.


The climate of Dis is harsh and unyielding, with no variation in weather. The air is dry and heavy, filled with the scent of sulfur and ash. Temperatures are moderately warm, but the lack of any breeze or moisture creates a stifling, oppressive atmosphere.

Natural Resources

Infernal Stone: A type of rock infused with dark magic, used in infernal rituals and constructions.   Soul Residue: Traces of the essence of tormented souls, used in dark alchemical processes.


Tourism in Dis is non-existent due to the inhospitable environment and the nature of its inhabitants. Only those with specific infernal purposes or warlocks seeking dark pacts might venture into this layer.
Alternative Name(s)
The Land of Lost Souls
Magical Realm
Location under
Additional Rulers/Owners


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