
Maladomini, the third layer of the Nine Hells, also known as "The Oasis of Lust," is a realm of deceptive beauty and unending temptation. The landscape is characterized by sprawling green fields, crystal blue waters, and lush vegetation, creating an initial appearance of a paradise-like oasis. However, the longer souls spend in Maladomini, the more the environment reveals its true, corrupted nature. Fruits that once seemed delicious erupt with maggots, and pleasurable acts turn sadistic, ensuring that inhabitants are never satisfied. The climate is warm and inviting at first but can shift to oppressive heat or chilling cold, reflecting the layer's twisted nature. This layer traps souls in a cycle of unfulfilled desires and increasing torment, mirroring the infernal essence of the Nine Hells.


Maladomini, also known as "The Oasis of Lust," is a stunningly deceptive layer of the Nine Hells. The landscape features sprawling green fields, crystal blue waters, and lush vegetation. Initially, it presents a paradise-like appearance with picturesque scenery and tranquil environments, making it seem like an idyllic retreat.


The ecosystem of Maladomini is lush and vibrant at first glance, with a variety of flora and fauna adapted to the seemingly perfect environment. The vegetation is rich and abundant, and the waters are clear and inviting. However, this beauty is only skin-deep, as the longer one spends in Maladomini, the more twisted and corrupt the ecosystem becomes.

Ecosystem Cycles

Maladomini's ecosystem operates on a cycle of deception and corruption. Initially, the environment appears wholesome and nurturing, but over time, the true nature of the layer reveals itself. Fruits that once seemed delicious erupt with maggots, and the once-clear waters become tainted. This cycle ensures that no inhabitant ever finds true satisfaction or respite.

Localized Phenomena

Corrupting Beauty: The beautiful environment gradually turns grotesque, with plants and animals revealing their true, corrupted forms.   Twisting Pleasures: Activities that initially seem pleasurable and enjoyable become painful and sadistic over time, leading to endless torment.   Mirage Illusions: The environment often creates mirages that hide the true nature of the layer, deceiving newcomers into believing they have found paradise.


The climate of Maladomini is warm and temperate, contributing to its initial allure as an oasis. However, as the true nature of the layer reveals itself, the climate can become oppressive, with sudden shifts to uncomfortable heat or chilling cold, reflecting the twisted nature of the environment.

Natural Resources

Deceptive Fruits: Initially appealing fruits that eventually reveal their corrupted nature.   Tainted Waters: Crystal-clear waters that become toxic and undrinkable over time.   Illusionary Herbs: Plants that can be used in potions to create powerful illusions, reflecting the deceptive nature of the layer.


Tourism in Maladomini is driven by the deceptive allure of its beauty and the promise of endless pleasures. However, those who venture here often find themselves trapped in a cycle of unfulfilled desires and increasing torment.
Alternative Name(s)
The Oasis of Lust
Magical Realm
Location under
Additional Rulers/Owners


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