The Siege of Xares

The great human city known as Xares has only been ever siege successfully once. In the Harsh age a new Dark One grew to power, her name, Lexius. Lexius created an army of reanimated corpses. They were rotting puppets of war and they were effective. Lexius needed no catapults or trebuchets, no battering rams or siege towers. Her army could not be killed or stopped and so day after day they slowly broke through all of the walls of Xares. The siege lasted two months and on the 61st day she had cleared her way into the palace and killed King Faron. She named herself queen of The Vale. This did not last long however. In the time it took her to siege Xares the Dark One Ring had been found by a young man in green and he made himself the Dark One to kill her.   Since the siege Xares as never once been broken and has increased is defense against magical enemies.   The King and his army were a mile south of the city waiting. The putrid stench only grew with each waking moment. They could be seen on the horizon now, a wall of green and grey, maggot infested, flesh with two riders in front.     “Advance!” The King ordered.     As the two sides got closer Jack and Lexius could be seen. She was a short, thin woman with long white hair and cold amethyst eyes.     “Shield wall!” The Farsfirus boomed.     The soldiers fell together and formed a wall of iron and wood. The King fell in with them and they began slowly advancing.     Lexius dismounted her horse and snapped her fingers; all the shields blasted apart! Shards of iron and splinters plunged into the men’s skulls and sunk into their eye sockets! Sir Jack stuck his sword forward and the corpses began barreling forward! They bit into necks and chewed off noses! The plunged cold iron weapons into the bellies and heads of the young boys! Each soldier that died rose only moments later.     “Retreat, fall back to the city!” The King commanded.

The Conflict


Much of the city was sacked, and a lot of people were killed, including the King.


The Magic Trials that had so many boys put to the pyre was a direct result of the siege.
Included Conflicts
Conflict Type
Conflict Result
The King was killed and a new person took up the mantle of Dark One.



  • 900,000 undead


30,000 soldiers, 167,034 residents, King Farsfirus, Sir Jack the Giant Slayer
