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Raphaels guide and source of power.   Very Kairothian in appearance, but certainly not a Kairothian.   Silva is a Cheruphae that lives within Raphaels body, and unknowingly serves as his guide. It was unintentionally created in the Astral Plane by the altruism of the Human scientists, and the Kairothian tribe of the Saiyannor Village. Silva has very little knowledge or understanding of its own existence, and for a time believed itself to be an extension of Raphaels thoughts. Over time, it realized itself to be a separate entity from Raphael and makes him aware of her existence within his mind. Raphael is surprised at first, but then shortly realizes that this makes a lot of sense. Sometimes he would hear voices in his head that don't seem to be his own. Silva calls Raphael her master, Raphael happily allows Silva to continue to exist within, and they become great friends. As Silva learns more about herself, she learns that she has supernatural powers, and that she can share these powers with her master.   Despite being created by Kairothians who partook in the Faith of The One, she has very little knowledge of who or what "the One" is.

Physical Description

Body Features

She has very Kairothian looking face and body. However, her eyes havr black schlera and white silvery irises. Her blue/white body appears to glow in the dark. A golden ornate halo-like ring floats behind her head. Two large wings float behin her back, not attached to her body. She has two sets of arms, with large hands. Each hand has three fingers and a thumb.

Facial Features

Slightly narrow eyes, black schlera, silver glowing irises,

Special abilities

As a Cheruphae, she has the ability to manipulate reality. The strength of thid ability is tied to her overal strength and bond to her host body, Raphael. As she absorbs Harmony, her power grows.   Powers include:
  • Telekinesis
  • Manifest her energy into physical objects
  • Temperature manipulation (fire ice powers)
  • Alter form of host (transformation). She uses this on Raphael to return him to his Human form, and to transform him into Celestial or Kairothian forms so that he can use their special abilities.
  • As her host, Raphael is able to call upon these abilities as if they were his.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

When Silvaria was originally formed from Harmonic in the astral plane, she didn't have any conscious thoughts, she simply acted on instinct. Within the formless void of the Astral Plane, she followed hers instincts and searched for more sources of Harmony. She found a faint yet constant source of energy within one spot, it seemed to originate from something beyond. She pushed through the barrier to reality and found the soul of a young child. This was Raphaels soul. One night while he slept in his bed, he dreamt of a mysterious yet comforting presence engulfing him like a shroud. He had unknowingly and unconsciously allowed Silvaria to enter his mind and become a part of him. Neither of the two had any conscious understanding of what had happened.   As Raphael grew up, Silvaria believed herself to be Raphael, unknowingly influencing his life, contributing to his thoughts and hearing his. Over time, Silvaria began to realize that she was a separate entity that could think independently from its master. She would find that she could hold her own thoughts to herself, keeping Raphael unaware of them. After some instances of Raphael seeming to reject her thoughts, she became a little resentful. She began to wonder if she could leave, and what would happen if she did. Fear gripped her. If she was to leave her host, what would happen to her? Would she cease to exist? She had held on for so long, and had no memory of what things were like prior to joining with Raphael, or even that there was a "before". After years of hesitation, she let go of the bond that binded her to her host. She faded back into the astral plane. When she left, Raphael felt a sense of loss that he couldn't explain.   After returning to the Astral Plane, memories flooded back of the formless void, and hers short time spent floating aimlessly around, consuming the Harmonic bounty. However, things were a little bit different. Another force was lurking, something dark and unpleasant: Malice. This substance terrified Silvaria. Not only that, but there seemed to be other things, things which feasted on the Malice. Silvaria kept her distance, wanting to avoid their detection. What were those things? Were they like her? What exactly was she? No... No, she was NOTHING like those things. Those horrid things. Demons. She wanted to go back. She had to.   After learning so many things from Raphaels perspective, she wanted to return to him, and reveal her presence. She returned to reality and found Raphaels soul a second time. She revealed herself to him in a dream. Raphael, in a much more .lucid state despite being asleep, welcomed her back with open arms, He recalled her familiar presence as though she were a part of him that had gone missing. Silvaria told Raphael everything about what she understood about herself... which wasn't much. And since Raphael was still dreaming, he didn't remember much aside from the sensation of regaining a long lost friend. When he awoke, he still felt that familiar presence in his mind, but wasn't sure if the dream was real. Silvaria confirmed to him that she was real. From then on, Silvaria and Raphael

Morality & Philosophy

As a Cheruphae, she had a perfect understanding of moral right and wrong the moment she first existed. However, she is not omniscient, and can make mistakes if due to her limited knowledge of the world.

Personality Characteristics


Innate desire to do good, as Cheruphae, and friendship with Raphael.
Circumstances of Birth
Formed by the collective happyness and kindness of the Saiyannor Village and the Humans nearby.
Black schlera and glowing silver irises
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Transparent glowing white body which fades into cyan and becomes more transparent at the extremities
Known Languages
Kairothian language, human language


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