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Temple of Saiyannor

A temple created to worship the One. It exists within the woods of Saiyannor. Raphael and Vudae must pass through it in order to reach the monster that is threatening to destroy the woods of Saiyannor

Purpose / Function

This temple was created by the Saiyannor tribe, in commemoration of the time that The One appeared to them in the form of a great talking tree, which instructed them to become loyal to the Faith of The One. A temple was built around the tree that is believed to be the tree from the old legend.


A temple composed of stone, unlike the wooden buildings traditional to the people of Saiyanor. The temple was built to last a long time.


Before the Faith of The One came to the tribe of Saiyannor, they were independent. When the Circle of The One sent missionaries to the Saiyannor tribe, their missionaries would be imprisoned and/or executed. When word reached the Circle of The One that none of the missionaries sent had ever returned, the Listener uttered a prayer to The One that the Tribe of Saiyannor would see reason, and conver to the faith. Hearing their prayers, The One took the form of a voice in the wind. Speaking through the whispers in the wind, The One spoke directly to the chief, "your people must free my captives and convert to my faith. Do this, and you will be rewarded."   But the chief was faithful to his old gods and defied the will of The One. In an act of defiance, he had half of the surviving imprisoned missionaries executed. The next day, The One appeared to him again, this time as a <animal name here>. To the chief, he said: "I ask you again, free my missionaries, for they will done no wrong. If you continue to punish the innocent, you will be punished." This angered the chief, who ordered that the rest of the missionaries be executed. One by one, they killed each one of them. When only one remained, the tree behind came to life, and the voice of The One boomed through it, and it said: "I tell you one last time: release my missionary. If you refuse, you will be punished." No longer alone, the other tribe members fell down on their faces in fear. the chief, ordered the executioner to continue anyways, but the executioner was parylyzed with fear. Frustrated, the chief took the spear himself and hurled it at the last missionary.   The spear stopped in mid-air, then shattered to splinters. The Voice of The One boomed before the chief once more: "I have given you three chances, and you failed all three times. For your failure to comply, you shall be punished severely." The chief cried out in pain as he was pierced by the very shards of the spear he threw at the remaining missionary, and he fell to the forest floor dead. The others who witnessed the chief's death immediately freed the missionary and tried to make him the chief instead. The tree that The One had possessed had returned to normal. Although the missionary was grateful for being given position as chief, he refused, and simply requested that the tribe convert to the Faith of The One  The chief's son, who witnessed his fathers death, learned from his fathers mistake, and was made the new chief of the tribe.  He officially passed the Faith of The One as the official faith of his tribe. The lone missionary returned to the Holy City of the One with news of the deaths of the other missionaries, and the miracles that ultimately converted the tribe to the faith. It was deemed a successful mission.   The new chief built a stone temple around the tree that The One spoke through, as a show of his faith.


The Saiyannor tribe treat this as a place of worship
Parent Location
Owning Organization


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