Heldren Chester

Heldren had a tough start in life. His father and mother divorced after his father saw Heldrens tiny wings and clawed hands, while his mother swore that the Tiefling gene was in the family, he never believed her. The only way he would take her back was for when Heldren was old enough to put him up for adoption. Being the only Tiefling in the orphanage in Tobost was hard, he was bullied relentlessly, but when the time came for the adoption tour, a tour ran by The Order of the Timeless, The local temple in Tobost knew it was best for Heldren to head on this path. In the first town of Howlerheim Garrison two of the 8 kids found new homes, in Beuluge another 3, and in Merrows Bane two others found theirs. Leaving only Heldren left, The head carer Do'Relien assured him his family will come, they just haven't found them yet. Passing through Rook Ridge and again at Timberdawn Heldren had almost given up hope of finding a family. He by this stage was an awkward age for a Tiefling, at 9 he was neither young and cute anymore nor old enough to start working and assisting the families. They were on their way back to Tobost before taking one final stop in Sweet Water, a town known for its long summers, great hospitality and sparkling clear drinking water. Most of the population here are older and adoption was highly unlikely, but Do'Relien was determined to find this boy a home. They stopped off at the Nestled Nook and asked for lodging for one night. Out of the corner of her eye Do'Relien spotted a couple finishing their meal and looking curiously at the boy. It was that fateful evening that Heldren found his new home with an older half-orc woman named Morg'hana Chester and her Goliath husband Shtiegvarr Chester - they themselves were never fortunate enough to have children and had always wanted a child of their own. They asked if they'd like to sit and share their table and drink for awhile, the first kindness and hospitality that Heldren was shown outside of Do'Relien. He felt thier warmth and for the first time in a long time a crookered smile crept its way across his jagged sharp teeth. They fell in love with the little boy and adopted him.
With relief Do'Relien handed the young Heldren over to his new parents, kissed him goodbye and continued on her journey. She knew this was a far better place away from the other kids who never seemed to be able to accept him for who he was.

Many years went by and Heldren grew up learning the local traditions in Sweet Water. Be kind to your elders, always invite others in and provide them with the best hospitality you can. Never shy away from protecting those in danger, especially those not fortunate enough to be blessed with the size and strength he was, and be able to admit when you're wrong.

Heldren by the age of 17 had grown almost as tall as his father and certainly just as broad. They'd work the lumberyards further north and then return home to the meals lovingly prepared by Morg'hana Chester, Heldren learnt his culinary ways from his mother, and his skill with an axe from his father.
He always felt though that there was something missing, his parents would often joke about Heldren finding a nice woman in Sweetwater and settling down. A few years further pass and now 19 and Heldren was notice more and more the pressure from his parents to be married, none of the local girls seem to take a shining to him so he waited till the big festival in Tobost known as "The Day of Challenging" a festival to Kord, the Storm Lord. The festival circled around three events, The Strength of Nature, the Strength of Song and the Strength of Combat. Heldren good with an Axe enrolled in the tournament assuming you picked which event you were good at, however a contestant must be strong of heart, strong a mind and strong of muscle.
The first event is the Strength of Nature - contestants had to make their way across a forest and fell the largest tree, the event Heldren was sure to perform his best. He noticed he caught the eye of a tiefling girl who watched on from the crowds. Eager to flex Heldren went hard out the gates, opened his wings and took to the skies. The crowd shrilled in horror and booing and hissing ensued, puzzled Heldren pressed on and dove through the forest to the tallest tree, in three crashing swings he felled the tree and returned to see the disapproving faces of the crowd. They claimed his wings gave him an unfair advantage over the rest of the contestants and that their local hero Hunter Mjolken would surely have got to the tree before him, as he noticed most turn away and that sinking feeling started to set in, one set of eyes remained. There her black voids locked with his and his heart began to flutter.
With one win under his belt, albeit not recognised by most of the audience, the next contest was that of the heart - Heldren had heard his father sing while he worked but he never tried to utter so much as a tune himself and he already had lost the confidence of most of the audience. He stood on stage and through the boos and rotten fruit he saw her standing there again, and for one quiet moment she was the only one in the room and for him that is all he needed. He the proceeded to sing a song he thought so beautiful, but again to the crowd a sea of white faces. His gutteral abbysal chanting seemed to only warm the heart string of one other.
As he finished his song a deafening silence was only broken by the timid clapping of this Tiefling girl. Wings extended Heldren sailed down to meet with her, she introduced herself as Caroline, they spoke but three words before they were parted by the crowds as they were dragged apart by the crowds frantically moving to the other stages as other contestants began to sing.
The final round Heldren now with one win and one absolute last place to his name, had only one more thing to do before he could go find Caroline and get out of this place.
His final duel was with the cities reigning hero Hunter Mjolken, on the way to the arena, he saw Caroline seemingly being accosted by two human men, a rage welled within Heldren and he felt his world begin to darken as he stormed over to them putting himself between Caroline and these ne'er-do-wells. He found out they were Hunters men and if he didn't deliberately throw the match they were going to make sure whatever punishment he dealt to Hunter, they would deal to Caroline. Haldren agreed to throw the fight and leave with Caroline as soon as the match was over.
As the two thugs left Caroline trembling got to her feet and socked Haldren as hard as she could, while the impact was more than he expected the response was even more confronting "How could you just agree to let that monster Hunter win, you are not the man I expected you to be." Without chance of reply she ran wailing off through the crowds, the two thugs scoffing "Over before it began for ya pig blood".
The clouds overhead grew darker and rain began to fall on the arena. Small drops hissed off Heldrens skin as his rage began to boil and the heat of his body rose so high steam began to replace the rain that struck his skin. The horn sounded and battle commenced, poor Heldren never stood a chance, Blinded by his rage he took blow, after blow, after blow. His large hay making swings not striking the far more agile Hunter... except for one. A deafening boom of thunder rolls overhead and with a bolt of lightning - it seemed Hunter mistimed that sweeping right hook from Heldren. The horrific sound of bones crunching and ribs fracturing replaced the crackle of lightning and that was the last memory that Heldren had of that Tournament. He woke bloodied and muddied still in the arena, the crowds had left, the town square was vacant with all but one figure cloaked and walking slowly toward Heldren, she pulled back her cloak to reveal disappointingly to Heldren the features of an old fisherman. He helped him to his feet, dusted him off and took him in. They spoke few words for the first hour maybe even more, then Heldren finally mustered the courage to ask. "Sir you've shown me great hospitality, where others would only show me the back of their heads. But I must ask, what of the girl, the one that looks like me? Did you see where she went"
He smiled warmly and clasping his hand "That girl you mentioned comes every year, she goes to all the big tournaments. Poor thing like you gets pushed around a bit but that never stops her from watching and enjoying the festival, then when the festivals over she lingers around for a few days and then she's off again. I assume to the next village or next festival"
Heldrens mouth goes dry and his eyes well with burning tears, "Did you see by chance which way she went?". The stranger responds "she was with two other fellas after you knocked out Hunter cold, but as you swung round and your eyes rolled back in your head. I must admit I didn't see her again after that"
Heldren spent the following days searching the city, he searched high and low and couldn't find her anywhere. He looked for Hunter, no sign of him. But on the third day he found one of the goons, as he approached the clouds again overhead started to swirl and the skies became black. As he drew near the a smile began to curl it's way over the thugs face and before he had a chance to speak "We did exactly as we said we wou..." Heldren lets out a hateful wail and slams the mans head into the wall, a roll of thunder crashes over and as he comes to he sees nothing but his blood stained hands and the rain hissing as it strikes across the back of his wings.
He takes to the sky and flees as fast as he can. A few days go by and by the time he gets back to Sweet Water he is exhausted, hungry, cold and barely able to keep it together. His parents greet him with concern and over the course of an evening he explains what's happened. Shtiegvarr Chester tells him, he knows what he must do. He has found his mate, the storm lord Kord has said it. You just journey on and win every festival of strength, every event of song and gain a name so great she will find you. This is your calling from the storm lord, this is what you must do.
The next day with heart felt goodbyes, long hugs and adventure in his heart Heldren Chester set off to become the local town hero of every village he could, in hope one day he would lock eyes with Caroline again.

Heldren did exactly that for the next 15 years. One tournament after, another, one town after another. But Caroline never came. He swore to himself he would be the man she needed him to be that day, if only she'd give him the chance. One long night in a bar marking the 361st tournament Heldren had competed in he was approached by a female Drow, who ran an outfit of an adventurers group of mercenaries. They could use someone's skills like his. Heldren a little dejected at the 15 year fruitless journey agreed.

For the next 5 years he and the crew that grew to become his family aided many a man, woman and child in need. But never has he yet seen Caroline.


Morg'hana Chester


Towards Heldren Chester


Heldren Chester


Towards Morg'hana Chester


Current Location
Black pulled back in a man bun
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
marbled grey
6ft 8'
Heavy Muscular build