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Sicara (Seh-CAR-uh)

Acolyte/Priestess of Irokori, Sicara Kanteek

Sicara is an acolyte at the Temple of Irokori in Shalanera. Irokori is the Vincaran goddess of cleansing and rebirth, represented by imagery of volcanoes and forest fires.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

She is in good physical condition due to her rigorous training as a dancer in the temple.

Apparel & Accessories

Priestesses of Irokori wear flowing garments in fiery hues of red, orange, and yellow.  Traditional dancing garb leaves the midriff bare while adorning the hips with golden bangles that jingle with movement. Batons with long streamers in fire colors are often used in dance performances or simply as a way to draw attention to the shrine.   Sicara's street clothes are usually in warm colors, too.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Sicara's home burnt down in the riots of 4218, taking her mother's life. The tragedy could have turned Sicara bitter and resentful, but she chose to embrace Irokori's doctrine of letting the past burn away to make a clean start.


Sicara is bisexual but relationships are a low priority for her. She usually lets her crushes stay secret so she can concentrate on her work at the temple, instead.


She attended the same public schools in the Vincaran Quarter as Xorax.  After graduation, the Temple of Irokori provided the extensive training in theology, dance, counseling, and temple operation she would need as a full priestess.

Morality & Philosophy

Sicara is a cheerful, patient, forgiving, compassionate person the vast majority of the time.  When she does lose her temper, though, watch out--her anger can be as hot as the fire of her patron goddess.  The easiest way to get under her skin is to belittle or misrepresent the message of Irokori.

Personality Characteristics


After finding Irokori's doctrine so helpful in her own hour of despair, she wants to help others find inner peace by letting go of their bad memories and past traumas.

Virtues & Personality perks

Sicara is a hard worker. Whether it's shoveling snow, stacking firewood, sweeping ashes, or practicing a dance routine, she throws herself into it with determination and rarely complains until the task is done.

Vices & Personality flaws

Sicara's devotion to her goddess takes up so much of her time and thoughts that she can be a bit of a bore to those who don't share her enthusiasm. She tries to stay up-to-date on current events so at least she has something else to talk about, but she doesn't have hobbies or other activities.


Contacts & Relations

Sicara is a classmate of Xorax and Zola (when the cousins actually do attend school), and is silently amused by the fact that they both have crushes on her.

Family Ties

Sicara's father, Carazo Kanteek, never remarried after the death of her mother, Tyreen. He raised Sicara and her two older brothers by himself.

Religious Views

While Sicara holds great respect for most of the Vincaran pantheon, she has devoted her life to Irokori and feels the closest connection to that goddess.   She wouldn't admit it, but she secretly resents Telik, god of war, discord, and vengeance. Revenge is the antithesis of her deity's message of letting go, and she saw the destructive path Xorax and Zola trod in its pursuit.

Social Aptitude

Her natural kindness and training as a counselor makes Sicara an easy person to talk to, as she is attentive and encouraging. She's a very good listener and non-judgmental.



classmate (Important)

Towards Xorax




classmate (Important)

Towards Sicara




Sicara sees the kind of person Xorax could be, if he wasn't wrapped up in his family's vendetta, and likes that hypothetical version of him more than the current one. She urges him to leave his burdens in the past, as her patron goddess advocates, instead of pursuing the dark path of Telik, god of war and vengeance.   While Xorax has feelings for Sicara, he bristles at her suggestion that he turn his back on Telik and what he sees as his life's purpose. Besides, his grandmother has forbidden him to indulge in anything frivolous like hobbies or romance until their mission is complete. If that day ever comes, he likes to think he has a chance with Sicara...if his actions in the name of vengeance don't drive her away completely.

Commonalities & Shared Interests

Sicara lost her home and her mother in the same riots that killed Xorax's father and uncle. Her choice to seek healing and move past her trauma while he chose to let it fuel his hatred is the main source of conflict between them.


classmate (Trivial)

Towards Zola




classmate (Important)

Towards Sicara




Zola has a crush on Sicara, who is flattered and kind about it but not interested.

Wealth & Financial state

Her family is poor, but she doesn't mind living an austere existence since she never goes hungry.   Upon reaching adulthood, she moved by herself into a small apartment within walking distance of the temple where she works.  
Sicara's Apartment
The young priestess of Irokori has a small, modest apartment.
Current Location
Year of Birth
4212 19 Years old
Current Residence
Shalanera, Vincaran Quarter
a few inches past her collar, straight, parted in the middle, no bangs
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
yellowish green
Known Languages
Sicara is fluent in both Lanarish and Vancor, the latter due to her studies of the Tomes of the pantheon.

Character Portrait image: by Katie Sullivan


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