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Psychagogía District

Outside of Heliopolis, Psychagogía might be where most Meris say Skysong truly comes to life. One could easily spend days traversing blocks upon blocks of venues — from restaurants and eateries to clubs for dancing or ‘companionship’ to lavish spas and public bathhouses — and not see so much as half it has to offer. It is one of the largest districts by far, and one that is alive at all times of day or night. There is always something abustle.   The diverse cultural representation cannot be overstated here in particular — Meris find great joy in the vivaciousness of life, and that means enjoying it! They have poured a great deal of sweat and tears into ensuring that a piece of distant homelands — theirs, or their ancestors' — is represented here in some way, and it is clear to see which areas are favored by like minds for the stark change in atmosphere and architecture as one walks its many streets and pathways. Whether you’re looking for an upscale meal after an afternoon of wine tasting or hoping to find the shittiest dive bar and a brawl to go along with it, look no further. Both are well within your reach.  

Notable Locations

Emotional Damage, a bar that serves cocktails that induce a particular feeling depending on the flavor. Get drunk on happiness, giddiness, or be masochistic and make yourself sad! Or just get regular drunk. There’s normal booze that scales in power according to your tolerance, too!   The Coliseum, where you can pay to throw your hat in the ring against other Kenosians — or choose to fight a variety of conjured monsters! (Warning: The Coliseum and its staff are not liable for any temporary or permanent damage sustained while visiting as a guest or participant. Enter at your own risk.)   Madam Dee’s, an upscale brothel. Do we need to spell out what happens here? No? Okay, good. Moderator’s note: There is a very pretty blonde rumored to have been gifted with great assets who will let you cry in her lap, too, if that’s more your speed. This is an oddly specific thing to mention, but it’s relevant to someone out there. You know who you are.   Starlight Park, sitting at the center of Psychagogía is a large, domed enclosure; its location remains static, but stepping inside of the shimmering, bubble-like dome littered with stars transports you to a recreation of someone’s homeland. The location changes monthly and volunteers to contribute suggestions by offering their memories are pulled from a lottery.   Kokkinos Beach, a floating expanse of sandy beach and open water that gives residents a beach they can visit without needing to descend to Old Springstar. It was named for the previous tribune, Cyrus.
Alternative Name(s)
Entertainment District
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