Cloudspire Settlement in Kermoria | World Anvil
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Cloudspire is without equal on Kermoria; nestled atop Rimefire Peak, it is a massive affair built both to be impregnable, but also to show the extravagance and opulent wealth of those living within it.  The cloud giants who call this sky castle home are often benevolent to outsiders, but will sometimes close their doors for no reason whatsoever, leaving travelers on their doorstep wondering what they'd done wrong.


Beside the extreme difficulty in approaching Cloudspire, the altitude alone is enough to lay low most mortals who intend harm upon the city.  Combined with the massive stone walls and the magical abilities of the giants living within (and their ability to manipulate the weather at will), makes Cloudspire quite a difficult target for any but the most ferocious of attackers.

Industry & Trade

The giants of Cloudspire rarely travel down the mountain, other than to the nearby Storm Giant village of Thunder Gulch; there, they engage in limited trade.  However, should a mortal approach Cloudspire with intention to trade, they will typically do so, as long as the goods in question are opulent and display wealth unimaginable.


Cloudspire is, without question, the most opulent place most mortals will ever see; the entire floor of the castle itself is made of pure white marble, shot through with flecks of gold and platinum.  The columns and walls are made of the same, and the window frames are of an exotic lumber not found on Kermoria.  The glass of the windows is rumored to be unbreakable, having been blessed by creatures hailing from far away Mount Celestia.

The library within Cloudspire is, in itself, an extra-dimensional space, consisting of tens-of-thousands of tomes, books, scrolls, grimoires, and other artifacts; it is, without question, the envy of the Royal Order of the Light.  In fact, Duchess Dreamheart Delaevon has attempted (twice) to scale Rimefire Peak to treat with the giants, but has failed in both attempts due to sudden, extreme weather, as if it's inhabitants did not wish to share their knowledge.

The gardens within the palace are beyond compare; fruits grow here to gargantuan sizes, and many attempts have been made over the years by many mortals to retrieve a seed, either by trade or other means, though none so far have been successful.

Even the animals within Cloudspire are magnificent; the sheep are larger than a Karpathan Destrier, their wool impossibly-white and rumored to be charged with latent magics.


Hundreds of people attempt to reach Cloudspire each year, climbing Rimefire Peak; however, few who summit the mountain are allowed within the Palace of Opulence.  Fewer still are allowed to leave with more than they entered with; traders often find themselves paying exorbitant prices, and those who steal find themselves tossed bodily from the mountainside, enjoying some twenty thousand foot fall for their efforts.
Founding Date
Approximately 40
Location under


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