Thunder Gulch Settlement in Kermoria | World Anvil
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Thunder Gulch

The sheer, raw power of nature is one of the most destructive forces ever known on Kermoria, and the peoples of Thunder Gulch are possibly the most proficient wielders of primal magics on the planet.  Within the settlement of Thunder Gulch, they have painstakingly, over countless generations, constructed a pinnacle, known as Tempest Obelisk, to magnify and enhance their powers to absurd levels that challenge even the late, great Arkaine.


Almost entirely Storm Giant, with a few goliaths who've been accepted into the clan.


The ferocity of the inhabitants within is likely enough to scare away anyone so inclined as to attack, however, should that prove not enough, the village itself is protected by high palisade walls and a few mounted scorpions (likely to deter wyverns and other flying predators).

The obelisk, however, is heavily defended with enchanted walls, magical wards, and the lives of everyone sworn to it's defense.

Industry & Trade

The Storm Giants of Thunder Gulch are considered master craftsmen, and are some of the only peoples who still actively practice the ancient art of runecrafting and runesmithing.  Some of their artifacts rival the power and prestige of those of the Relics of the Draconic Age, often possessing powerful enchantments and wards found nowhere else.

These artifacts and runic devices are for sale or trade, though the crafters are often reluctant to do so without extreme profits in return.


Many travelers to Northguard make the attempt to climb the eastern, craggy face of Rimefire Peak, attempting to reach the Thunder Gulch.  Unlike the normal route up the northern face, the eastern route is extremely dangerous and is responsible for dozens of deaths each year, and hundreds of injuries.
Founding Date
Approximately seventy five
Location under
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