Rimefire Peak Geographic Location in Kermoria | World Anvil
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Rimefire Peak

Rimefire Peak is a singular mountain, standing apart from both the Frostheim Mountain Range and the Jagged Iron Mountains in Northguard.  Forming the eastern and southeastern edges of the Nilfshard Forest, it is the highest peak on the frozen continent, nearly twice as tall as Glittertind Mountain to it's northwest.  With a summit elevation of 22,838 feet, it ranks as one of the ten tallest mountains in Kermoria, and taller than any mountain in the Gemfire Mountains.


Evidence exists that Rimefire peak was once an active stratovolcano (during a time before The Old World). However, sometime during the time of the Old World, prior to the Draconic Age, the mountain began to shift slightly, cutting off the lava tubes which fed it's eruptions. The geology found along it's peak, and along the entire rim of the mountain, are all volcanic in nature, consisting mostly of lavastone, breccias and pyroclastic ash.

The southeastern section and sub-sections of the mountain are home to numerous giant clans, both of the Hill and Storm variety, and the summit itself (and it's surrounding crags) is inhabited by a family of Cloud Giants, who expect tribute from climbers who manage to reach their sky-castle, Cloudspire.


In mountaineering terms, Rimefire is technically an easy mountain if approached from the north, via the normal route.  Rimefire is, arguably, the highest mountain in the world that does not absolutely require climbing gear, as the northern route can be traversed walking.  Although the effects of altitude are severe at the summit, most climbers, with some time for acclimatization, find the climb to be difficult but not impossible.

Although the climb is considered technically easy, a dozen or so climbers die each season, most of which due to inexperience or, more frequently, from cold-weather injuries.  Due to the height of the summit, storms can rise from seemingly nowhere, inflicting blizzard-like conditions in an oxygen-low environment.  Unprepared climbers are often subjected to frostbite, or worse.

Many climbers approach the mountain solely for the glory of having summitted, however, there are some who aim to enter the citadel in the sky, Cloudspire, on the mountain's summit.  There, they often wish to trade, communicate, or commune with the cloud giants within; however, the inhabitants are often fickle, and will shut their doors for no apparent reason if a traveler does not show proper respect of their customs and traditions.
Alternative Name(s)
Giant's Peak
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