Eltrat Ironhammer Character in Kermoria | World Anvil
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Eltrat Ironhammer

In 187AV, as the coffers of Stormhold emptied faster than they could be refilled, Eltrat and his father, Ledyard Ironhammer began a callous and underhanded scheme wherein they would waylay travelers and pilgrims who passed through Stormhold, on their way to Dragonfire Pass and, typically, the Shrine of the World Dragon; these travelers were forced to pay ridiculous legal fees (akin to ransom) before being allowed to leave the city dungeons, being held on trumped-up, often completely illegitimate charges.

This scheme was discovered by Griswold Ironhammer, Eltrat's younger brother, in 191AV; Griswold gathered the evidence necessary and presented it to the King, Roger II, in 192. After a brief trial, where more than fifty people stood as victims of this heinous crime, Eltrat and his father were hanged for treason. They were offered clemency by the King, and given the choice to take the Oath of the Destroyer, joining the Cult of the Destroyers, but they both refused.

Eltrat's body was returned to Stormhold, where it was buried in a marked grave in a graveyard for commoner's and paupers; he was not afforded the honor of being buried in the crypt of his kin beneath the citadel.


Eltrat Ironhammer


Towards Aubergene Ironhammer


Aubergene Ironhammer


Towards Eltrat Ironhammer


Current Location
3 BD 192 AV 195 years old
Circumstances of Death
Hung for treason
Place of Death
Quotes & Catchphrases
I regret nothing of my actions, and forever curse the days of my brother's rule.  - Eltrat Ironhammer, his last words before meeting the hangman's noose.


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