Ravon Ironhammer Character in Kermoria | World Anvil
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Ravon Ironhammer

Ravon Ironhammer

Barbaric and tribal from the steppes of western Ilithi, Ravon had no surname or clan to call her own; she met Ledyard Ironhammer during the Lyras War, and the two fell madly in love.  They married and a few years later, she fell pregnant with their firstborn, Eltrat Ironhammer.

A few years after Eltrat, she gave birth to a rare sight indeed; dwarf twins, and even more rare, boy/girl twins, Griswold and Astradis.  Her fourth child, Branduk, was born a few years later.

Though her love for Ledyard was strong, Ravon never felt like she belonged in society, and would often take treks through Dragonfire Pass and into the Desolate Wastes, exploring and spending time with nature.  Even as she aged, she would sometimes be gone for months at a time.

When her husband and firstborn were hung for treason in 192, many suspected that Ravon was also involved in the plot, however, no evidence came forth, only rumors, so she was spared a trial and sentence, though she was severely reprimanded in private by Roger II.

As the mother of the Marshal of the Western Reaches, she is afforded many luxuries within the city of Stormhold; however, she rarely makes use of them, preferring to spend what few years she has left amidst nature and the solace of the wastes.


Ledyard Ironhammer


Towards Ravon Ironhammer

Ravon Ironhammer


Towards Ledyard Ironhammer

Current Location
Year of Birth
31 BD 253 Years old
The steppes of Ilithi


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