The Town of Haven

The history of Haven's creation and hostorical events for the town.

  • 1 RN

    14 Midyear

    Haven is Estbalished
    Gathering / Conference

    Enough people have gathered at the fork in the river that a community began to form.   Lead by Devin Spale the town began to prosper even through harder years

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  • 1 RN

    19 Last Seed

    Alton Greenbottle and his group arrive
    Life, Relocation
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  • 2 RN

    24 Second Seed

    First Sprouts
    Geological / environmental event

    The first Farm begain to take shape. Nothing major, but the growth of vegitibles had ensured Haven had a chance to improve the overall towns diet.

  • 10 RN

    23 First Seed

    Haven's Government Is Established
    Geological / environmental event

    Devin Spale established the Electoracy of Haven before leaving. He aimed to develop a body of representatives post his leave that could speak and act on behalf of the people.

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  • 22 RN

    14 First Seed

    Birth of Fern Lightfoot
    Life, Birth

    Fern was born at Haven.

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    Fern Lightfoot
  • 35 RN

    19 Rain's Hand

    Tassadill Arrives
    Life, Relocation

    With the arrival of the mage came the tower and conjured stone.

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    Tasadill Umbridge
  • 38 RN

    5 Hearth Fire

    Brook Strawl
    Life, Relocation

    Brook arrived coming in from the blistering sands taking the town by a bit of surprise. Not many have wandered from those lands and survied.

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    4 Hearth Fire

    Arrival of Theabell
    Life, Relocation

    Theabell arives to Haven.