Kingdom of Kaldor

History of the Kingdom of Kaldor in eastern Harn.

  • 1150 BT

    Jarin settled the upper Kald Valley

    Jarin settled the upper Kald Valley

  • 683 BT

    Battle of Sorrows
    Military: Battle

    The Battle of Sorrows

  • 38 TR

    Death of Lokar the Strong
    Life, Death

    Death of Lokar the Strong

  • 96 TR

    Lothrim founds Elkall-Anuz

  • 110 TR

    120 TR

    Lothrim invasion of the Kald
    Military: War

    Lothrim began preparing for his greatest military campaign

  • 112 TR

    Bwilis & Gwethic fall to Lothrim
    Military action

  • 113 TR

    Olokand & Merila captured by Lothrim
    Military action

  • 120 TR

    Presumed death of Lothrim
    Life, Death

    Lothrim buried alive with his "honor guard" in a sealed cave by vengeful Khuzdul of Kiraz - along with "precious book" the Penultimate Tome.

    Additional timelines
  • 121 TR

    Kelpyn-Anuz sacked
    Military action

  • 125 TR

    Sanric I founds Kingdom of Nurelia

  • 128 TR

    Tahal founded on ruins of Kelapyn-Anuz

    Tashal founded by Shala of Eith.

  • 128 TR

    Founding of Kingdom of Kephria

    Shala of Eith founds Kingdom of Kephria

    More reading
    The Four Kingdoms
  • 137 TR

    Founding of the Kingdom of Pagostra

    Hain of Clan Parlis founds Pagostra

    More reading
    The Four Kingdoms
  • 142 TR

    Founding of the Kingdom of Serelind

    Calsten founds Serelind

    More reading
    The Four Kingdoms
  • 168 TR

    Caer Minarsas Built
    Construction beginning/end

    Caer Minarsas built by Orsin of Pagostra

  • 170 TR

    Caer Gardiren Built

    Caer Gardiren built by Medrik of Serelind

  • 178 TR

    Battle of Hosat
    Military: Battle

    The Kath overran the western half of Kingdom of Kephira

  • 184 TR

    Pagostra joins Serelind
    Cultural event

    Orsin swears fealty to Medrik and becomes Earl of Pagostra

    More reading
    The Four Kingdoms
  • 187 TR

    Serelind absorbs remnants of Kephria
    Civil action

    Medrik of Serelind seized the remnants of the Kingdom of Kephria

    More reading
    The Four Kingdoms
  • 187 TR

    Battle of Lareb Hill
    Military: Battle

    The Kald kill King Torbet.

  • 188 TR

    Medrik seizes Tashal
    Military action

    Medrik seizes the town of Tashal and forms the Kingdom of Kaldor

  • 188 TR

    Founding of the Kingdom of Kaldor

    Kingdom of Kaldor established by King Medrik I of the House of Tane

    More reading
    House of Tane 188-362
    Additional timelines
  • 210 TR

    Caer Tane (Tashal) Finished
    Construction beginning/end

  • 235 TR

    Nurelia joins Kaldor
    Civil action

    Nobles of Nurelia offed the Nurelian Crown to King Kalabin of Kaldor.

    More reading
    The Four Kingdoms
  • 235 TR

    Death of Lotin the Gray
    Life, Death

    Death of King Lotin the Gray of Nurelia

  • 237 TR

    Prince Brant of Nurelia vanishes
    Life, Failure / Mishap

    The barony of Nurelia revolt after the suspicious disappearance of Prince Brent (16) of Nurelia.

  • 238 TR

    Battle of Olokand
    Military: Battle

    King Kalabin of Kaldor puts down the baronial revolt

  • 300 TR

    Construction of Kiban Keep begins
    Construction beginning/end

  • 356 TR

    Founding of Aleath and the Kingdom of Aleathia

    Chieftain Alash founded the city of Aleath and the Kingdom of Aleathia.

    More reading
    History of Aleathia
  • 362 TR

    Death of King Maranos
    Life, Death

    Aidrik II and Firerth rule on opposing sides of the Kaldoric Civial War

  • 362 TR

    Aidrik and Fierth dispute succession

  • 362 TR

    377 TR

    Kaldoric Civil War
    Military: War
  • 377 TR

    Aidrik II executed by Fierth
    Life, Death

  • 377 TR

    Battle of Kiban
    Military: Battle

    End of the Civil War

  • 378 TR

    Caer Qualdris Built
    Construction beginning/end

    Caer Qualdris built by Fierth

  • 378 TR

    Kiban granted to Clan Dariune
    Civil action

  • 384 TR

    Caer Olokand Built
    Construction beginning/end

    Caer Olokand built by Fierth

  • 406 TR

    The Restoration
    Civil action

    Aidrik III returns from Chybsia and is crowned

  • 406 TR

    Assassination of King Uthred
    Life, Death

    King Uthred assassinated while hunting in the Forest of Tamor south of Qualdris.

  • 406 TR

    Clan Tane renamed to Clan Artane
    Civil action

    As part of the restoration and to make a new beginning, King Aidrik III renames his clan from Tane to Artane.

  • 407 TR

    Olokand Granted to Earl Elendsa
    Civil action

    In repayment for his return to Kaldor, King Aidrik III granted Olokand to Earl Elendsa who convinced the barons to have Aidrik II's only surviving son be brought back from exhile in Chybsia to claim the crown.

  • 559 TR

    561 TR

    The Red Death
    Plague / Epidemic
  • 599 TR

    603 TR

    The Baronial Revolt
    Political event
  • 603 TR

    Haldan the Elder named King
    Political event

    More reading
    House of Elendsa
  • 605 TR

    Caer Tane renamed Caer Elend
    Civil action

  • 605 TR

    Construction of Caer Kiban started
    Construction beginning/end

  • 620 TR

    Rebuilding of Caer Elend finished
    Construction beginning/end

  • 653 TR

    Construction of Caer Kiban completed
    Construction beginning/end

  • 662 TR

    Chelebin Tournament Inaugurated
    Cultural event

  • 672 TR

    Battle of Chelna Gap
    Military: Battle

    The battle that marks the start of the Salt War

  • 672 TR

    673 TR

    Salt War
    Military: War

  • 673 TR

    Battle of Ramala Gap
    Military: Battle

    The battle that marks the end of the Salt War

  • 674 TR

    The Stealing of Clasten's Sword
    Political event

    The jewel-encrusted sword that had belonged to Calsten, the first King of Serelind (142-162) was stolen. The thieves smuggled it to Burzyn, where it was rumored to have been sold, in open market, to a Chybisan nobleman.

    Additional timelines
  • 675 TR

    678 TR

    The Treasure War
    Military: War

    King Torastra of Kaldor invades Chybisa, and besieges Burzyn to regain the stolen sword.

    More reading
    The Treasure War
  • 675 TR

    687 TR

    Treasure War
    Military: War

  • 678 TR

    687 TR

    Kaldor Annexes Chybisa
    Military action

    King Torastra captures Burzyn after a three year siege and exiles Balesir and a few score of his followers to Melderyn.

    More reading
    The Treasure War
    Additional timelines
  • 687 TR

    Balesir Regains Chybisan Throne
    Military action

    Balesir's army defeats Baron Wasal and his forces at the Battle of Geda, then moves his army to recapture Burzyn.

    Additional timelines
  • 703 TR

    Kiban town wall started
    Construction beginning/end

  • 716 TR

    Inauguration of the Tournament of Love
    Religious event

    A three-day tournament attended by 30 to 50 local knights and held at the West Common of Kiban in the month of Nolus. It is the only Harnic tournament with a strong Peonian theme, if only the aspect of honorable love. The Angyla Festival, an important Peonian celebration, is held at the same time, although most of the activities are of little interest to the larani-worshiping nobility. However, on Angyla even that is gaining popularity wiht the participating knights is a variation of "Burning the Flag". This variation entails two teams of mounted knights armed with rebated broadswords attempting to caputre the opposing team's flag and throw it on a bonfire for burning.