Kingdom of Chybisa

Timeline for events in the Kingdom of Chybisa

  • 1200 BT

    First Humans and the Elder Folk
    Era beginning/end
  • 900 BT

    Invasion of Lythians
    Political event

  • 700 BT

    683 BT

    The Atani Wars
    Military: War

    More reading
    The Atani Wars
  • 160 TR

    183 TR

    House of Shosel: Shobald
    Life, Career

    Rule of Shobald

  • 160 TR

    Founding of the Kingdom of Chybisa

    The Mearkis Chronicles, which document the founding of Chybisa, say that Shobald of Shosel, A Melderyni knight, arrived in the Ulmerien Valley. The tome, written by an advisor to Shobald, recounts how he unified the tribes and petty kindomes of the region and established the Kingdom of Chybisa. Many of the Melderyni immigrants who accompanied Shobald became significant figures in his new realm.

    Additional timelines
  • 180 TR

    227 TR

    The Migration Wars
    Military: War

    More reading
    The Migration Wars
  • 183 TR

    210 TR

    House of Shosel: Verlid I
    Life, Career

    Rule of Verlid I

  • 210 TR

    251 TR

    House of Shosel: Verlid II
    Life, Career

    Rule of Verlid II

  • 251 TR

    284 TR

    House of Shosel: Colasten I
    Life, Career

    Rule of Volasten I

  • 284 TR

    316 TR

    House of Shosel: Verlid III
    Life, Career

    Rule of Verlid III

  • 316 TR

    350 TR

    House of Shosel: Verlid IV
    Life, Career

    Rule of Verlid IV

  • 350 TR

    354 TR

    House of Shosel: Nyrenalis
    Life, Career

    Rule of Nyrenalis

  • 354 TR

    375 TR

    House of Shosel: Colasten II
    Life, Career

    Rule of Colasten II

  • 369 TR

    413 TR

    Rule of King Imadain I
    Life, Career

    The rule of King Imadain. Also ruled Chybisa.

    Additional timelines
  • 375 TR

    392 TR

    House of Shosel: Verlid V
    Life, Career

    Rule of Verlid V

  • 392 TR

    409 TR

    House of Shosel: Verlid Vi
    Life, Career

    Rule of Verlid VI

  • 409 TR

    475 TR

    House of Rylia - Kings of Melderyn
    Diplomatic action

    Kingdom of Melderyn ruled Chybisa   Imadain I 409-413   Imadain II 413-440   Arabar 440-463   Erebir 463-475

  • 413 TR

    440 TR

    Rule of King Imadain II
    Life, Career

    The rule of Imadain II, also ruler of Chybisa.

    Additional timelines
  • 440 TR

    Rule of King Arabar I
    Life, Career

    The rule of Arabar I, ruler of Chybisa

    Additional timelines
  • 463 TR

    475 TR

    Rule of King Erebir V
    Life, Career

    The rule of King Erebir V, also ruler of Chybisa

    Additional timelines
  • 475 TR

    506 TR

    House of Burzada: Sharat I
    Life, Career

    Rule of Sharat I

  • 506 TR

    521 TR

    House of Burzada: Gometh
    Life, Career

    Rule of Gometh

  • 521 TR

    541 TR

    House of Burzada: Sharat II
    Life, Career

    Rule of Sharat II

  • 541 TR

    559 TR

    House of Burzada: Lonatar
    Life, Career

    Rule of Lonatar

  • 545 TR

    Pagaelin Raid
    Military: Skirmish

    Warriors from two Pagaelin tribes crossed the Ulmerien and attacked Burzyn. They looted dozens of homes and killed 32 citizens before being driven off by the castle garrison.

  • 559 TR

    561 TR

    The Red Death
    Plague / Epidemic
  • 559 TR

    590 TR

    House of Burzada: Sabalyne
    Life, Career

    Rule of Sabalyne

  • 590 TR

    627 TR

    House of Burzada: Gebral
    Life, Career

    Rule of Gebral

  • 627 TR

    661 TR

    House of Burzada: Udine I
    Life, Career

    Rule of Udine I

  • 661 TR

    664 TR

    House of Burzada: Udine II
    Life, Career

    Rule of Udine II

  • 664 TR

    691 TR

    House of Geledoth: Balesir
    Life, Career

    Rule of Balesir   Torastra of Kaldor ruled 678-687

  • 674 TR

    The Stealing of Clasten's Sword
    Political event

    The jewel-encrusted sword that had belonged to Calsten, the first King of Serelind (142-162) was stolen. The thieves smuggled it to Burzyn, where it was rumored to have been sold, in open market, to a Chybisan nobleman.

    Additional timelines
  • 675 TR

    678 TR

    The Treasure War
    Military: War

    King Torastra of Kaldor invades Chybisa, and besieges Burzyn to regain the stolen sword.

    More reading
    The Treasure War
  • 678 TR

    687 TR

    Kaldor Annexes Chybisa
    Military action

    King Torastra captures Burzyn after a three year siege and exiles Balesir and a few score of his followers to Melderyn.

    More reading
    The Treasure War
    Additional timelines
  • 687 TR

    Balesir Regains Chybisan Throne
    Military action

    Balesir's army defeats Baron Wasal and his forces at the Battle of Geda, then moves his army to recapture Burzyn.

    Additional timelines
  • 691 TR

    House of Geledoth: Verlid VII
    Life, Career

    Rule of Verlid VII