Harn - In Tuzyn Recogning (TR)

The time line for events on the Island of Harn

  • 20000 BT

    15000 BT

    The Earthmasters
    Era beginning/end

    The Earthmasters

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  • 10000 BT

    7000 BT

    Arrival of the Sindarin
    Era beginning/end

    The Sindarin settled through out the island of Harn, but tended to concentrate in the Shava Forest. For 3000 years, the elves dwelt in solitude with their god, Siem.   Siem left with most of the elves around 7,000 BT. Daelda, the wisest of the Sindarin to remain, became king and ruler of Harn.

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  • 7000 BT

    683 BT

    Sindarin rule of Harn

    Founding of the Kingdom of Harn under the rule of Daelda.

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  • 7000 BT

    Arrival of the Khuzdul
    Era beginning/end

    The Codominium   Shortly after Siem's departure. the Khuzdul arrived on Harn. They too worshiped Siem and came from Midgaag. The dwarves say they were summoned by Siem to take care of the Sindarin who stayed behind; the elves grimace at their conceit. The two races certainly had very diffent world-views and preferred to live in separate communities. Each race possessed complimentary skills and the two peoples lived in perfect harmony for almost five millennia, and ara known to historians as the Condominium.

  • 6900 BT

    Founding of the City and Kingdom of Kiraz

    Dwarf Kingdom/City of Kiraz founded.

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  • 6894 BT

    Founding of the City and Kingdom of Azadmere

    The city and kingdom were founded by Ahzrdin, leader of the Thazhain Khuzdul and for the six millenia of the Codominium, only dwarves dwelt there.

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  • 1200 BT

    900 TR

    The Coming of Men
    Era beginning/end

    Around 1300 BT, the first humans arrived on Harn from western Lythia. These early Jarin tribes recognized the superior culture of the elder reaces. They swore fealty to King Daelda and settled the coastal regions of eastern Harn. The Jarin prospered and pushed inland. Within a few centuries, their communities spread throughout the Harnic Isles. The elves grew distressed at the newcomers' wasteful society and lack of respect for the forest.

  • 1200 BT

    First Humans and the Elder Folk
    Era beginning/end

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  • 1150 BT

    Jarin settled the upper Kald Valley

    Jarin settled the upper Kald Valley

  • 1000 BT

    Jarin peoples arrive in Southwestern Harn
    Era beginning/end

    More reading
    History of Aleathia
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  • 900 BT

    683 BT

    The Atani Wars
    Military action

    Around 900BT, a second wave of human invaders from Lythia began to assault the shores of Harn. Initially the Lythians raided and sailed away with their booty. Daelda ordered many coastal settlements to be fortified and garrisoned. He commanded his own people to defend the most critical areas and supported Jarin troops with dwarven legions. The allied defenders successfully expelled the reaiders for many years, but the gradually conquered Solora and Hradir up to the Ulmerien River.

    More reading
    The Atani Wars
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  • 685 BT

    683 BT

    Battle of Sorrows
    Military: Battle

    Battle of Sorrows

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  • 683 BT

    Founding of the Kingdom of Evael

    Kingdom of Evael is founded by King Aranath, Daelda's nephew, within the Shava Forest.

    More reading
    The Founding of Evael
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  • 1 TR

    The Kingdom of Melderyn

    Founding of the Kingdom of Meldery by Erebir I when he united the Five Kingdoms under one banner.

    More reading
    The Biradian Dynasty
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  • 120 TR

    Presumed death of Lothrim
    Life, Death

    Lothrim buried alive with his "honor guard" in a sealed cave by vengeful Khuzdul of Kiraz - along with "precious book" the Penultimate Tome.

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  • 120 TR


    Destruction of Kiraz
    Disaster / Destruction

    The Carnage and fall of Kiraz by Lothrim the Foulspawner.

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  • 130 TR

    Creation of Tuzyn Reckoning
    Civil action

    Tuzyn Reconing devised by Tuzyn of Melderyn, a court astronomer in the reign of Erebir III but was backdated to the founding of the kingdom. Through out the last six centuries, this calendar has gradually been adopted by all Harnic states, replacing a multitude of calenders, most too inaccurate to be useful.

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  • 155 TR

    223 TR

    Kingdom of Elorinar

    The founding of the Kingdom of Elorinar and the assimilation into the Kingdom of Melderyn.

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  • 160 TR

    Founding of the Kingdom of Chybisa

    The Mearkis Chronicles, which document the founding of Chybisa, say that Shobald of Shosel, A Melderyni knight, arrived in the Ulmerien Valley. The tome, written by an advisor to Shobald, recounts how he unified the tribes and petty kindomes of the region and established the Kingdom of Chybisa. Many of the Melderyni immigrants who accompanied Shobald became significant figures in his new realm.

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  • 188 TR

    Founding of the Kingdom of Kaldor

    Kingdom of Kaldor established by King Medrik I of the House of Tane

    More reading
    House of Tane 188-362
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  • 520 TR

    Birth of Balsha
    Life, Birth

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  • 558 TR

    Execution of Balsha
    Life, Death

    Founder of Balshanism is executed by Emperor Medak

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  • 558 TR

    564 TR

    Balshan Jihad

    More reading
    Balshan Jihad
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  • 559 TR

    561 TR

    The Red Death
    Plague / Epidemic

    More reading
    The Red Death Plague
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  • 568 TR

    588 TR

    Theocracy of Tekhos

    A Morgathian theocracy that resulted from the Balshan Jihad and ruled all of Tharda for 20 years. It was a repressive religious dictatorship ruled by Horahnam of Clan Tekhos from Shiran. Horahnam was assassinate in 588 and the Theocracy collapsed, to be followed by the years of chaos known as the Interregnum. In Rethem, a pale shadow of the Theocracy lingered on around the city of Golotha until its fall to Arlun of Peran in 635.

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  • 569 TR

    Founding of the Freetown of Thay

    They is a seaport at the mouth of the Horka River in the mainland part of the Kingdom of Melderyn. Thay is the most independent of Harn's three freetowns, as the hand of the Melderyni king has traditionally rested lightly on its affairs. Because of its origns, Thay has many similarities to Aleath.

    More reading
    The Foundation of Thay
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  • 589 TR

    Founding of the Kingdom of Kanday

    Founded in 589 TR after the collapse of the Theocracy of Tekhos, Kanday is ruled by the House of Kand.

    More reading
    Region of Kanday
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  • 675 TR

    678 TR

    The Treasure War
    Military: War

    King Torastra of Kaldor invades Chybisa, and besieges Burzyn to regain the stolen sword.

    More reading
    The Treasure War
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