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History of the Beastfolk Kingdoms

The kingdoms of the Beastfolk are the independent nations and kingdoms run by the various species of beastfolk. Their era began about 2,000 years ago, and is still going to this day

  • (Aprox.) ~80,000 years ago
    The arrival of the Kepek on Keyrae
    Population Migration / Travel

    The Kepek landed on Keyrae, and through events thought lost to history, tension between the Kepek and Saurians grew to a breaking point, causing the Kepek to decide to settle on the moons of Keyrae rather than the already inhabited planet.

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  • (Aprox.) ~66,000 years ago
    The Great Keyraean Ice-age and the fall of the Saurians
    Geological / environmental event

    The Saurian empire, which had stood for thousands of years, found themselves facing mass loss when an unprecedented and unending winter fell upon the planet. This ice-age lasted for around 10,000 years, and by the end of it, only small populations of the Saurians had survived, huddled around areas of volcanic activity and hot climate. Today, it is believed the last surviving Saurian people can be found on the Tebu islands.

    Tebu islands
    Additional timelines
  • 50000 DA

    The rise of the Draconic kingdoms
    Era beginning/end

    With the world mostly left devoid of a dominant power, the dragons seized this opportunity to claim lands previously owned by the Saurians. thus beginning the Draconic Era.

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  • 496 DA

    13 Yenaar

    Drakura is founded

    The land of Drakura is founded when the Gold Dragons Naradril and Hiltragave came together to form an alliance to fight the ancient Umbral Dragon Tethranax. It was the only draconic kingdom to survive the fall of the dragons, thanks in part to the fact most humanid races refused to try and fight the golden monarchs.

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  • 0 DA

    The fall of the draconinc kingdoms and the end of the Draconic Era
    Military: War

    The draconic kingdoms had been in place for millennia, but with the aid of powerful, inter-planar beings, the humanid peoples were able to overthrow the dragons and take power for themselves.

  • 25 AR

    21 Elorr

    The Centaurs are driven from thier homelands by the Dwarves
    Political event

    Conflict in south-west Redbane between the dwarves and the Centaurs began when the dwarven kingdoms began expanding into the ancestral lands of the Centaurs. The dwarven cities were built deep underground and so they had been tunnelling under the Centaur's sacred sites, unknowingly causing structural damage to these sacred places. The Centaur's learned of this when one of their largest sacred sites collapsed thanks to one of these tunnels. This triggered conflict between the two peoples, resulting in the Centaurs eventually being driven out of their lands, taking shelter with the remaining draconic kingdom, Drakura.

  • 4526 AR

    9 Vatix
    4620 AR

    29 Sedall

    The First Fae Invasion
    Military action

    At what could have been considered the peak of the humanid empires, especially for the Elven and Human empires, weird portals began opening all over Keyrae leading directly from the First World. Uncharacteristically organised fae spilled out into Keyrae desecrating any humanoid settlement they came across.

    More reading
    The First Fae Invasion
  • 4621 AR

    15 Ita

    Creation of the Mechanons and the founding of Faewatch

    Just because the conflict was done, doesn't mean rogue members of the first world stopped attacking Keyrae. In fact, after the war, settlements closest to the Salted lands continued to be attacked by fae looking for revenge for thwarting their plans, and it became evident that some kind of watch force was necessary to make sure no new portals opened, and if they did, whatever came through would stay north of the mountains. However, At this time, the countries we know today had not yet been founded, and no one could agree on whose responsibility it was to watch the Salted Lands for signs of further fae activity. After many long debates over the subject, as small settlement of Kepek who had previously been living north of the Faeguard Mountains made themselves known. These Kepek had been left behind when their people left for the moons, and had lost contact with them, meaning their tech wasn't as advanced as the rest of what could be found in The Lost Commonwealth, but they retained enough to create the Mechanons - automatons they constructed specifically for this purpose. They offered their creations to act as an independent guard force for the rest of Redbane and to watch the Salted lands, on the condition that the surrounding soon-to-be kingdoms leave their settlements out of the coming territory disputes, and that they are sent resources such as food and clean water so the Kepek inhabitants can remain and maintain the Mechanons. The city of Faewatch was founded as a hub for the Kepek and as a place for the Mechanons to come back to when they are in need of repairs and maintenance.

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