Monarch of Ilyria

The monarch of Ilyria is the head of state of the nation, exercising extensive powers regarding foreign affairs, tariffs, and defense. Elected by high-ranking nobility, the monarch rules from the Carlyon Palace in Calydon.

Notable Holders

Varan I

House: Dyecolt
Reign: 1361-1371
Varan I was a veteran of the Great Revolt. A tactician and ally of Lysander, he was pivotal in forming Ilyria, allowing it to grow into an independent and powerful country. Much of his reign was dedicated to creating a self-sufficient nation. Ruling from Calydon, Varan I worked closely with the Lords of Gaul, for defense against Morenthyr.

Varan II

House: Dyecolt
Reign: 1371-1379
Son of Varan I, Varan II continued his father's legacy of strengthening Ilyria. Like his father, he served during the Great Revolt. Varan II was instrumental in the creation of the Calydonian Accords, which established current boundaries between Ilyria, and Morenthyr. Ruling for 8 years, Varan II died without any male heirs, leading to the election of Marden I. His daughter

Marden I

House: Fielcomb
Reign: 1380-1395
A veteran of the Great Revolt, Marden I was a close friend to Varan I. The first years of Marden's reign was marred with controversy, as Antonia Dyecolt (later Antonia I), daughter of Varan II, pushed hard for her claim to the throne. Skirmishes broke out throughout Ilyria with the nation teetering on civil war, but Yuriel the Blessed was able to successfully negotiate a charter codifying how future successions should take place. Following this, Marden I focused on expanding trade, cementing ties with and working to repair the relationship between dwarves of the Demarchy and Ilyria. Marden I never had any children, leading to Antonia I being chosen by the Electors following his death.

Antonia I

House: Dyecolt
Reign: 1395-1411
Daughter of Varan II, Antonia I was the first, and to date only, Queen of Ilyria. Following Marden's selection as king, Antonia spent years building alliances and deals with other Ilyrian nobility, paving the way for her ascension to the throne. Known to be autocratic, Antonia I consolidated power, centralizing government in Calydon, much to the chagrin of much of the aristocracy. Having made a fair number of enemies, her son, Varan, was unable to acquire enough votes to gain the throne, leading to the election of Rowland Montclair upon her death.

Rowland I

House: Montclair
Reign: 1411-1433
The first monarch born after the Great Revolt, Rowland focused on expanding Ilyria's influence.
Nobility, Non-hereditary
Alternative Naming
King of Ilyria
Queen of Ilyria
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