The Devoted

The closest companions to Lysander during his time on Khalon were the Devoted, who were leaders among the Great Revolt. Lysandrians consider the Devoted to be saints, and are worshiped alongside Lysander.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A sun

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Yuriel the Blessed

Yuriel was an Orc Cleric. Raised in an Elven prison camp, Yuriel was called 8302 (pronounced as Eighty-three-o-two) until he was freed during the Great Revolt. Taking the name Yuriel, he was chosen to be Lysander's secretary. A dedicated follower, Yuriel saw firsthand Lysander's deification, and was his first worshiper. Known as Yuriel the Blessed, he spread word of Lysander, eventually becoming the first Archcleric of the Lysandrian Church in 1365.  

Fenci the Unyielding

Considered to be the spiritual mother of the rebellion, Fenci the Unyielding represents the attitude of ‘never-giving up’. Her steadfast opposition to Morenthyr continues to be an inspiration for individuals who face daunting, seemly impossible tasks. Many soldiers look to the Unyielding Gnome before going into battle for inspiration.  

Lomhal Sunforged the Mender

Lomhal Sunforged, who often went by Sunny, was a Goliath Paladin. Horribly scarred in a fire during his youth, Sunny was raised in a Circus for sometime before being purchased by Oluien Trismaris who took pity on him. During the Great Revolt, Lomhal rose through the ranks and soon became one of its top leaders. He is the Lysandrian embodiment of healing. Healers, Paladins, and Clerics often follow Lomhal's path of kindness and compassion to all life. Those who follow his compassionate path formed the Sunforged Order.   Considered the Father of the Ogre, Sunny the Mender healed their affliction, reducing their violent tendencies and allowing them to rejoin society. Amongst them, the Mender is considered the right-hand of Lysander himself. Ogres often pray to Lomhal the Mender as he cured them of their affliction.  

Fayara the Kindler

Among those who study the magical arts, the Kindler stands as a paragon of using magic for justice. She is considered to be the spiritual founder of the Institute of Magic constructed in Treavley. She is also remembered for her use of fire to burn away evil. She is known to be very cheerful, and thus many bards and comedians look to Fayara as a way of bringing laughter and good-cheer to their audiences.  

Zauric the Chronicler

Among the faithful, Zauric is known for his efforts to obtain and preserve knowledge. Many monks of his former order re-dedicated themselves to Lysander, and continue to collect and maintain old manuscripts and scrolls. Following the defeat of Iorath, the Scholar published a series of books detailing the Great Revolt. It became a best seller and was commonly used for educational purposes throughout the continent (excluding Morenthyr). Members of his monastic order founded the College of Calydon, the largest center of learning in the known world.  

Wilm the Unseen

The most mysterious of the Devoted, the Shadow is known for supporting righteous causes in secret. Following the creation of the Lysandrian Church, the Twilight Host dedicated itself to the Unseen, repurposing itself to become a secret organization dedicated to fighting any evil before it can spread.  

Cirril the Reedemed

Many Lysandrians believe it is never too late for redemption. Cirril Ancalan, former Emperor of Morenthyr, is the living incarnation of this principle. Following the death of Iorath, Cirril disappeared. Many thought he was dead, but across the continent, word began to spread of an old elf, dressed as a beggar. He would appear in locations where help was needed most, healing the sick, beating back evil, or freeing those wrongly imprisoned. He often appears to those wavering between right and wrong, urging them to follow the righteous path. Repentant criminals and sinners look to follow the Redeemed’s path, rejecting their past and looking forward to the future.
Divine Classification


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