
Third Prelate of the Lysandrian Church

Vitalian was a Prelate of the Lysandrian Church. Her tenure oversaw Hadricht's Crusade which led directly to her retirement from the office.  

Early Life

Vitalian spent her early life growing up in Gückelsberg, a fair-sized town in north-central Trelios. Born a Lysandrian, Vitalian felt a call to service early on, joining St. Zauric's Seminary in Weix. After stints as a cleric in Chemintz and Krefeld, Vitalian was elevated to the Bishopric of Heahwal in 1407. She served here until her election as prelate, becoming a close ally of Hadricht of Stomit.  

Prelate of the Church

Following Zosimus’s death, Lysandrian bishops from across Khalon met in Lavenwall to choose the next Prelate. The Elterian Revival, in full swing by 1415, dominated the discussion among the bishops. Upon much debate, Vitalian was chosen as Prelate, a Trelian with firsthand experience with Elterianism. Considered a moderate, Vitalian seemed posed to continue Zosimus’s non-interventionalist policies.  

Hadricht’s Crusade

In 1416, explosive claims about atrocities being committed by Elterians emerged. Pushed by Bishop Hadricht of Stomit, these rumors led Prelate Agatha to declare a crusade against the Elterians in Trelios. Dubbed Hadricht’s Crusade, this war would be her undoing. With the revelation that Hadricht had lied and committed numerous atrocities of his own during the crusade, Vitalian retired to a remote monastery on the island of Berestos.  

Later Life

Following her retirement, the Trelian princes aligned with Elterianism called for her to be tried and executed like Hadricht, but this was rebuffed by the Church. Instead, Vitalian settled into a life of prayer and reflection. Spending nearly three decades on Berestos, Vitalian wrote various works on the history of Khalon and the church. On her deathbed, she issued a public apology to the people of Trelios, praying for forgiveness from Lysander.
Previously Held Ranks & Titles
1372 EE 1441 EE 69 years old
Gelasius I


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