Hadricht of Stomit

Bishop of Stomit

A controversial figure, Hadricht was the bishop who convinced the Lysandrian Church to launch a crusade against Elterians in southeastern Trelios in the late 1410s. An uncompromising zealot, he was defrocked by Prelate Gelasius after the Chemitz Massacre. He was then burned at the stake for his crimes against Elterians throughout his crusade. While reviled in Ilyria and southern Trelios, he remains a hero to some Trelian Lysandrians who view him as a martyr whose only crime was standing against the continued blasphemy of Elterian converts.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Early Life

Born on a small farm outside of Lemmingen, Hadricht was drawn to the Lysandrian faith from an early age. Beginning as an altarboy, he distinguished himself as a quick learner. With a recommendation from his local cleric, Hadricht went to St. Zuaric's Seminary in Weix at 16. He soon became well known in Lysandrian literary circles as a strong voice for a strict interpretation of the Edras. Recognized for his gifted literary skills, Hadricht was appointed Bishop of Stomit in the Principality of Kerzenlicht in 1401.  

Bishop of Stomit

As bishop, Hadricht viewed his flock under siege. Grand Prince Vorker, followed by his son Tederich, worked diligently to spread Elterian beliefs throughout southern Trelios. While bishops in Kerzenlicht and Lemmingen were more conciliatory, Hadricht criticized the Grand Prince’s policies whenever they met. Finally in 1412, the Grand Prince ceased all communications with Hadricht. Furious, Hadricht traveled to Weix for the princely meetings in 1413 and 1415. Finding support among Lysandrian princes in the northeast, Hadricht laid the groundwork for the Lysandrian League. He then turned to the newly elected Prelate Vitalian for official church backing, traveling to Calydon to speak with her.  

Declaration to the Faithful

Speaking to a gathering of clerics and nobles in the Cathedral of the Pious, Hadricht accused the Elterians of multiple atrocities, including the sacking of Lysandrian churches and the burning of the Edras. Painting a grim picture, Hadricht stated that Elterian monks were kidnapping young children from Lysandrian parents to indoctrinate them into the faith. Filled with exaggerations and concocted lies, the declaration was written down and disseminated by allies of the bishop throughout Ilyria. Convincing the leadership of the church, Vitalian called for a crusade against the Elterians. Thousands flocked to Hadricht’s banner, while a division of Sunforged paladins pledged themselves to his cause.  

Hadricht’s Crusade

Marching south, Hadricht’s army joined with those raised by princes of the Lysandrian League. Leaving from Weix, the League’s first target was the principality of Kerzenlicht. Throughout the crusade, Bishop Hadricht ordered numerous executions of Elterian believers while also burning any temples or writings he found. This culminated during the fall of Chemitz, where thousands of Elterians were massacred.   The massacre of Chemitz led to Hadricht’s crusade losing support from both the Sunforged Order and the Lysandrian Church as a whole. Prelate Vitalian was forced to retire to a life of solitude, while the newly elevated Gelasius met with Grand Prince Tederich to negotiate a peace. As a part of the Peace of Vesselbach, Hadricht was laicized and turned over to Tederich.   Hadricht was sentenced to death for crimes committed during the crusade, including the execution of the Grand Prince’s brother-in-law Gevehard. Taken to Rateverk, he was burned at the stake in front of survivors from Chemitz.  


Opinion on Hadricht’s legacy remains deeply divided in Trelios. The Elterians who suffered under his crusade remember him as a monster, while steadfast Lysandrian League supporters lionize him as a champion of the faith. In Dradow, a large statue of Hadricht was erected in 1428 commemorating all those who gave their lives in the crusade. This contrasts with southwestern Trelios, where parents will tell their children to behave lest Hadricht returns and drags them to the Seven Hells.
Date of Birth
Date of Death
Circumstances of Death
Burned at the Stake
Place of Death
Hadricht at Rateverk


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