Yuriel the Blessed

Yuriel the Blessed was the first Prelate of the Lysandrian Church and is heralded as one of the Devoted, a group of saints closest to Lysander himself. His proselytization across Khalon following the Great Revolt established Lysandrianism as the dominant religion in the new countries of Ilyria and Trelios. Yuriel also established churches, charities, and hospitals across these lands, making the Lysandrian Church one of the most powerful and respected organizations on the continent.  


Early Life

Yuriel was born in a Thyrian prison camp in the late 1330s. Assigned the number 8302, he grew up being experimented on by elven mages attempting to understand orcish anatomy in case of another Orcish Migration. His early life was marred with tragedy, as friends and family would at times disappear or worse, return physically and mentally altered. Tucked behind the walls of this prison deep in the Theynoran Rainforest, Yuriel likely would have suffered the same fate if not for the intervention of agents of the Great Revolt.  

Great Revolt

In 1349, the agents worked with the orc prisoners to stage an uprising, ending the years of abuse. Yuriel was an early convert, and was instrumental in leading the orcs to rise up. The former prisoners traveled to Calydon, joining the revolt to end elven dominion on the continent. Yuriel became a secretary of Lysander himself. Working closely with Lysander, Yuriel learned to deeply admire the man, and the pair were nearly inseparable.   At the fateful Battle of Thal’Narius, Yuriel witnessed Lysander ascending to the heavens following Iorath’s defeat. Surrounded by radiant light, Yuriel was the first to attest to Lysander’s divine powers. It was here where he adopted a new name, Yuriel. He traveled throughout Khalon, spreading the word to any who would listen. Humanity quickly turned from the elven gods of their oppressors and converted to this new faith.

Leader of the Church

Settling in Calydon in 1361, Yuriel laid the first stone of the Cathedral of the Pious. He was recognized as the leader of the growing Lysandrian movement and began to formally organize it. Yuriel appointed devout believers to serve alongside him as clerics. In 1365, his fellow clerics elected him Prelate, formalizing his leadership of the Church.   As Prelate, Yuriel shaped church organization, creating dioceses and appointing prelates to oversee them. His leadership saw churches, poorhouses, and hospitals grow across the newly freed lands of central Khalon. His focus on charity and helping the less fortunate led to major delays on cathedral construction in Calydon and Dietenburg, which angered many among the nobility. Yuriel’s charity however won him deep support among the people of Ilyria, Treavely, and Trelios, who revered him as the right hand of Lysander himself.  

Death and Legacy

Upon his death in 1402, his funeral was the largest in the known world, with over a hundred thousand visitors traveling to Calydon to pay their respects. He was entombed in the Crypt of the Holies below the yet unfinished Cathedral of the Pious. To this day, many will visit his crypt and pray at its door for divine guidance. The year after his death, Yuriel was canonized as a saint.   Since his death, numerous statues and memorials for Yuriel have been constructed, and many pray for Yuriel to intercede with Lysander on their behalf. The Church has recorded many miracles attributed to Yuriel, and his status as Lysander’s right hand is described in official church doctrine.
Divine Classification
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Prelate of the Lysandrian Church
1338 EE 1402 EE 64 years old
Aligned Organization


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