Castle Vuthakorna

"Castle Vuthakorna is a fascinating place. I'd tell you about it but I literally can't, thanks to some intricate enchantments."   ~Seak Beardo Von Shmit, of Abide and Seak's Bizarre Bazaar

Purpose / Function

The Castle Vuthakorna is a powerful defensive and utilitarian artifact. It provides some magical defenses for the floating island, controls where the city goes, powers the webs of power that allow the Esoteric Order of Tenebrous Watchmen to move around, and a dozen other powers. Notably, a defense against flying monstrosities in the form of dark bolts can be emanated from the towers.


After the Darkside Colosseum was carved, the masters of the castle created a grand staircase down through their cellars into a hanging box with a shaded obsidian bottom to observe the events below.


The tall stone arches and twisted spires of Castle Vuthakorna are a dizzying sight. Even more impressive is the fact that it was carved out of the bedrock on which it stands rather than built, which gives the whole structure a solid cohesion for anyone sane enough to follow its lines. While a staggeringly beautiful and haunting structure, it is fully equipped with matriculations and murder holes. It has never in living memory been tested, but a clever and dedicated force of defenders could fight off an army while outnumbered dozens to one.
Parent Location
Ruling/Owning Rank


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