Medea Vuthakorna

Queen Medea Vuthakorna

"Medea is one of a kind in more ways than you think. She's sold me schematics for things that I won't even sell, too dangerous.   On second thought, how much coin you got?"   ~Abide Baht Mig, of Abide and Seak's Bizarre Bazaar

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Medea is a Shadar-Kai woman, taller than average.

Special abilities

Medea is an arcane caster with a high degree of skill.

Apparel & Accessories

Medea changes her clothing and style often, usually favoring outdated fashions. She never changes her amulet, however, which she proudly proclaims is a powerful artifact created by her.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Medea is somewhat mysterious. Like all of her kind, she is from the Shadow Plane. She never speaks of her motherland, instead focusing on the history of Kobos and its fallen empires. Since she arrived, she has formed an intellectual consortium of sorts with all the smartest and most accomplished researchers. She stays away from politics and conflicts, preferring to leave that to simpler minds. That being said, the Vulkathornas are the royal family of the Shadar-Kai.     Medea is the mortal guise of Mediophanzex  


While rumors swirl around her and some individuals (such as the late Irick Polger), none have publicly declared a relationship with her. She seems focused on her work and her finances.


Medea is a White Tower archaeologist and researcher focused in particular on recovering lost knowledge.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Medea's crowning achievement thus far was her part in the construction of The Colossus of the Golden Tower. It was her discoveries that led to its construction.

Failures & Embarrassments

Most recently, a scandal erupted in Carcolh. An artist named Irick Polger who had painted a dozen breathtaking full length portraits of her in increasingly tantalizing or romantic poses met a disturbing end when a pod of flail snails somehow evaded the guards and beat him to death in his bedroom. Rumors swirled about her when she sold a few pieces of his art, never worth much in life, at auction for significant amounts of money.

Intellectual Characteristics

Medea is known to be one of the premier intellects of the age.

Morality & Philosophy

Medea is a particularly calculating Consequentialist

Personality Characteristics


Medea wants to recover lost knowledge and grow her wealth. Occasionally she diverts herself with silly amusements such as tournaments or festivals.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Medea is an analytical genius and a scholar.

Likes & Dislikes

Medea dislikes con artists, in particular reliquarians selling false goods.

Virtues & Personality perks


Vices & Personality flaws



Medea wears exotic perfumes, smelling of spices and herbs with just a hint of citrus.


Religious Views

Medea is the eidolon of a Dragon Cult

Social Aptitude

Medea is calm, charismatic, and in strict command of her affect.


Medea speaks with a calm, considering tone. Her common has an unusual but light accent

Wealth & Financial state

Neutral Evil
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Magus (The Golden Tower)   Dormu (The White Tower)
Long, black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Silvery Gray
130 lbs
Other Affiliations
Ruled Locations


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